Welcome to Stupid F***ing America: QAnon!

Forbes headline reads, “QAnon-Friendly Owner Of Restaurant Where Servers Carry Guns Upsets GOP Incumbent In House Primary In Colorado.” Un-f***ing-believable! Seriously! WTF? This is not an isolated incident. These QAnon f***tards have been winning more and more primaries pulling the RepubliKKKlan party further into the looney right-wing nutjob zone! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t. America is so f***ing lost! I live in stupid f***ing hell where QAnon is gaining popularity and mainstream status because the level of idiocracy in America is reaching incomprehensible levels. Truly. It’s all beyond comprehension. Stupidity is incomprehensible to me. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a hundred times before: think of a dumb person in life. Now consider that half of Americans are dumber than that. Ugh! And most of them are MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals. Such groups are magnets for morons. This is why I still refuse to count traitor trump out of the presidential race. Americans are getting dumber. The RepubliKKKlan party is getting more conspiracy-theory focused and right-wing bat-Scheiße crazy — and winning.

So, whatever. It’s all lost. Mark my words, morons. America is lost. America cannot survive with such a level of stupidity thriving in the nation. I don’t f***ing care if these extreme morons only account for 10-15 percent of the population. If the citizenry of America is a living organism then how can any organism survive with 10-15 percent of that organism being necrotic? It can’t. We can’t. So, congratu-f***ing-lations to America for cutting off its nose despite its face by electing traitor trump to “make America great again.” We’ve gone over the cliff of complete stupidity and there is no turning back. Welcome to trump stupid America!