
Welcome to the Nazi State of Israel

Now that the Netanyahu government has been sworn into office, we’ll start getting a true sense of where the country is headed, and from what I’m reading, they are headed directly into becoming a modern-day Nazi state. Imagine that! A nation founded in the wake of Nazi Germany’s attempt to exterminate Jews from Europe is using those same tactics employed by Nazis to force an ultra-orthodox Judaism takeover of Israel. Un-fucking-believable! Irony is not dead!

An Israeli journalist’s opinion piece in The New York Times lays out the situation nicely. The author writes, “Jewish fundamentalists are now the dominant element in the Israeli governing coalition led by Benjamin Netanyahu. They plan a hostile takeover of Jewish identity. Several ministries have been created with a focus on Jewish identity. Each will be led almost exclusively by the members of parties representing the various strands of modern Jewish fundamentalism — parties that resist any form of modernism — as well as the elements of the Zionist Orthodoxy that are increasingly both ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox. These parties are imposing on Israel a definition of Judaism that refuses to recognize the validity of the non-Orthodox streams, with which the majority of American Jews identify. They are even demanding a change in the most fundamental link between Israel and the Jewish diaspora: the Law of Return, which grants Israeli citizenship to Jews and their descendants. They have promised to make those with at least one Jewish grandparent and who are not recognized as Jewish by the Orthodox rabbinical establishment ineligible for automatic Israeli citizenship.” Hmmm. Where have I heard identity being used as a wedge issue before in history? Where, oh, where, has identity purity been used to segregate and demonize a people? If I could just remember. Oh, wait! I recall now. It’s the Nazis! It started with The Nuremberg Laws and ended with the Final Solution. This would be comical if it were not so tragic.

But don’t worry. It gets worse. Apparently, the indoctrination — unsurprisingly — must start with the educational system. As the Times continues, “According to the agreement signed by Mr. Maoz’s Noam and by Mr. Netanyahu’s Likud, Mr. Maoz is now in charge of a new authority for national Jewish identity, with a budget of a quarter of a billion shekels (about $70 million) over the next two years, and will gain control of the Education Ministry’s department for external educational programs. … Mr. Maoz explained why he is so interested in the department. ‘There are currently about 3,000 curriculums written by progressive, radical-left nongovernmental organizations funded by foreign organizations and the European Union,’ he said. ‘Are they there to strengthen the Jewish state? Of course not. They want to make Israel a state like all the states. Who will make sure that they write programs for Jewish identity instead of plans for a state for all its citizens? That’s my job.’” Compare this to Mein Kampf:

The question of ‘nationalizing’ a people is first and foremost one of establishing healthy social conditions which will furnish the grounds that are necessary for the education of the individual. For only when family upbringing and school education have inculcated in the individual a knowledge of the cultural and economic and, above all, the political greatness of his own country — then, and then only, will it be possible for him to feel proud of being a citizen of such a country. I can fight only for something that I love. I can love only what I respect. And in order to respect a thing I must at least have some knowledge of it. … With ruthless determination the State must keep control of this instrument of popular education and place it at the service of the State and the Nation. … The whole organization of education and training which the People’s State is to build up must take as its crowning task the work of instilling into the hearts and brains of the youth entrusted to it the racial instinct and understanding of the racial idea. No boy or girl must leave school without having attained a clear insight into the meaning of racial purity and the importance of maintaining the racial blood unadulterated. Thus the first indispensable condition for the preservation of our race will have been established and thus the future cultural progress of our people will be assured [empahsis added].

As the Nazi Education Minister Bernhard Rust stated in 1938, “The whole function of education is to create a Nazi.” It is a shame that Israel should become the very embodiment of the discrimination and persecution that the Nazis used against the Jews. It can always get worse, and it usually does. “Heil, Netanyahu! Heil, Netanyahu! Heil, Netanyahu!” is next. As usual, people get the Nazified government they deserve and desire. Welcome to stupid America!