Welcome to the Scheiße Show

Politico reported, “The rollicking two-hour-plus appearance at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland offered the president a brief respite from an otherwise miserable week[.] … Trump, basking in the adoration of the crowd, largely glossed over the North Korea summit’s collapse, instead reviving several of his greatest hits, from rehashing the 2016 election to obsessing over the crowd size at his inauguration.” This entire presidency is one long shtick meant to entertain f***tards. So, a stupid electorate comprised of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans voted for idiot traitor trump to be president and this is what a stupid country looks like. It is a good thing for traitor trump supporters that breathing is an autonomic body function lest they suffocate otherwise for being so G.D. stupid. Welcome to stupid America!