
Well, Looky Thar!

Ohioans saved their democracy. I’m a bit surprised, but I’m certainly not sanguine. It seems the abortion issue has staying power at the ballot box, but I’m sticking to my guns — abortion rights are always someone else’s problem. It would appear, though, that ~57 percent of the population has a right to choose abortion problem. Voters saw through RepubliKKKlans’ shenanigans in Ohio, but that always begs the more fundamental question: Why do these voters keep electing and re-electing RepubliKKKlans to office? On the one hand, only RepubliKKKlans are trying to roll back people’s rights single-handedly, yet voters seem more than content to keep these same people in office to try and try again. It makes no f***ing sense. Do idiot voters really think that RepubliKKKlans will give up? At some point, RepubliKKKlans are going to win if they are allowed to keep trying. Look what happened with SCOTUS. It took them 40 years to get the Court they wanted to overturn Roe, but eventually, RepubliKKKlan persistence paid off, which is how we got into this mess in the first place. Trust me when I say that RepubliKKKlans have far more staying power than the average idiot voter! And I’ll tell you what will happen in November when voters elect to make abortion access a constitutionally protected right. Nothing! Do voters think that by passing such a referendum — as is likely in November — it gets directly (and magically) inserted into the state constitution? No! RepubliKKKlans still dominate the state. Do you trust them to abide by voters’ wishes? Watch RepubliKKKlans suddenly claim after the election, What referendum? They’ll find technical excuses. (They’re too busy to make changes to the constitution.) I’m not sure why voters think they can have it both ways. Idiots must vote for Democrats to protect their rights, not just on ballot initiatives. Whatever!