Well, That’s the End of That

From The Hill, “President Trump on Monday said he would mobilize ‘all available federal resources, civilian and military’ to clamp down on protests across the country, declaring himself the ‘president of law and order’ as police aggressively dispersed protesters gathered outside the White House. Trump said he was dispatching the military across Washington, D.C., and urged governors nationwide to ‘dominate’ their streets with National Guard deployments. If they refused, he said, he would send troops to American cities.” While George Floyd has been the catalyst of the current unrest, I am disappointed that the nation and politicians, especially, have not seized the momentum of the moment to build greater and greater still protests against traitor trump. This was the perfect opportunity to demand and enrage the 55% to take to the streets against traitor trump, but no! As usual, dumbass Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity! Un-f***ing-believable! Seriously! Now was the time for people to jam the streets across America and overtake the Capitol with protests against the Idiot-in-Chief. But no! Traitor trump flexes his power and the people cower. Back to the same ole, same ole. Nothing changes. Oh, one more thing. I have no doubt most of the people protesting (and looting) don’t vote, further demonstrating that America really is trump stupid! Get ready for four more years, people! Mark my words!