We’re F***ed!

According to Politico, “He was rusty. He was testy. He was out of touch. And, for a candidate often shielded by the scripted one-liners of killer campaign advisers, he was on his own — unable to hide his peevish demeanor and unable to portray himself, as his campaign has tried to do, as the clear choice to stop Bernie Sanders and beat Donald Trump.” Surely, I thought to myself, Bloomberg is smart enough and accomplished enough not to risk the hundreds of millions of dollars invested in his campaign. Surely, he takes this run for president seriously enough to prepare for a very predictable night of personal and professional attacks. Surely, he would have the capacity to reflect and conduct some self-critical evaluation in advance to anticipate how others will come at him. Surely, Bloomberg knows all these things and more given his success. Surely, he practiced at least a little bit of debate. Surely, surely, surely! Surely, I was wrong. Un-f***ing-believable. WTF!?!? Seriously! I mean f***ing seriously! Did Bloomberg really think he could just wing it?

To be fair, traitor trump has been winging it for his entire life and look at him now. I guess winging it is perfect for stupid America! We are so f***ed! I have no f***ing hope left — and I had very little to start. Americans are not going to elect a woman or a gay guy or a socialist or a Jew as president. But dumbass Democrats are more than willing to nominate one as their presidential candidate. Mark my words, morons. America is not the f***ing shining city on a hill; it is just as racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and homophobic as everyone imagines it to be. Welcome to four more years of traitor trump, f***tards. This is MAGA moron country! This is a country commanded by the RepubliKKKlan minority. This is evil Evangelical country where that 15% of the population dictates our national laws and mores (for those idiots out there the pronunciation is môrāz). Welcome to stupid America!