[T]rump Stupid Politics Purely Moronic

We’re Trapped, F***tards!

From CNN, “Voting experts and political strategists from across the political spectrum are increasingly alarmed about the potential for a disputed presidential election in November, one in which one candidate openly questions the legitimacy of the results or even refuses to concede. These experts are keenly aware of President Donald Trump’s well-documented history of lying about voter fraud and claiming that elections were ‘rigged’ when he doesn’t like the outcome. They also see a Democratic base that is still burned from 2016, when its nominee was dragged down in part by Russian meddling operation, won the popular vote, and lost to Trump.”

If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a googolplex times already. Traitor trump is going to get re-elected, either by hook or crook. Probably more crook at this point. Mark my words, morons! Between traitor trump exercising his imperial power, the silent “majority” (oh, it exists and while not a literal majority of the population it is a majority enough to swing the electoral college in conservative’s favor), a weak and feckless dumbass Democratic Party, and an apathetic populous, he will steal the election and dumbass Democrats will put up no fight and progressives and liberals will not riot in the streets because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Get ready for the last four years of America’s democracy. The end is nigh. Welcome to trump stupid America. Soon to be dumb for the last time!