Politics Purely Moronic


According to Slate, “It’s over. The three-year-long State Department investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account has ended and found ‘no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.’ The report did note that Clinton’s use of a private email server increased the risk of classified information being compromised.” Wow! Imagine that! Traitor trump’s own DOJ determined that Clinton was correct in claiming her innocence after all, yet the MSM is utterly silent on this story. Go figure. As usual, the Clintons are blamed for everything, but in the end, no wrongdoing is ever found, and certainly no behavior that ever arises to the level of visceral hatred against them. I have lived my entire political awareness life hearing about how crooked the Clintons are, yet nothing is ever proved. F*** me! People who still think Hillary would have been a worse — or worse still “questionable” — president compared to traitor trump should be euthanized for their stupidity. Welcome to stupid America where Clinton hating for no reason is the national pass time.