What Else Is New?

According to a Politico article, “And after mostly brushing off deficit concerns while pushing through a costly tax-cut plan, the White House now plans to reposition itself as an unlikely enforcer of fiscal responsibility led by its new top budget official, a veteran of the conservative group Heritage Action.” What else is new? This is stupid America! Time after time RepubliKKKlans gain the presidency and run up the national debt or worse (i.e., the Great Recession). Then a Democrat has to come into office to clean up their fiscal disaster, yet RepubliKKKlans are always considered the party of fiscal responsibility. This country is so f***ing stupid it hurts. It seriously hurts to think about the level of idiotic hypocrisy that keeps getting RepubliKKKlans re-elected on the “fiscal responsibility” argument. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer under RepubliKKKlan leadership, so naturally, MAGA morons can’t wait to re-elect traitor trump. Welcome to f***ing G.D. Scheiße-for-brains stupid America!