What Else Is New — Again?

Politico reports, “But a host of Defense Department veterans, including some who have worked for the current administration, assert that the lack of permanent, Senate-confirmed civilian overseers is taking its toll on the Pentagon’s ability to operate effectively — from delaying policy reviews to undercutting Pentagon officials in administration debates.” As usual, RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy is on full display here. I thought the RepubliKKKlan party was supposed to be for the military, and here we have traitor trump’s incompetence harming the very institution RepubliKKKlans claim Democrats don’t care about. Then there is this: “President Donald Trump has long touted the advantages of his 2017 tax reform bill, but Republicans are now under fire for one of the bill’s overlooked consequences: A huge hit for families of fallen service members.”

Nonetheless, I’m sure military voters will still vote for RepubliKKKlans because, hey, people routinely vote against their our own self-interests, and RepubliKKKlans are stupid enough to do it — every time. No doubt, traitor trump will take every opportunity to lie to his constituents about how great he’s making the military, and they will believe him and reflexively cheer. Welcome to stupid America where stupid people vote for other stupid people.