What F***tards Didn’t See This Coming?

From Vox, “The Covid-19 outbreak, however, is a reminder that it remains a scary world and that the American government deals with a lot of important, complicated challenges that aren’t particularly ideological in nature. And we have no reason to believe the current president is up to the job. Trump not only hasn’t personally involved himself in the details of coronavirus response (apparently too busy pardoning former Celebrity Apprentice guests), he also hasn’t designated anyone to be in charge.” So, the f***tards of America elect a moron to be the president who is incompetent at his job (yet half of America thinks he’s doing a good job) and when a real global crisis emerges, what happens? Traitor trump shrugs at the problem expecting everyone else to fix it. Hasn’t that always been his M.O. — just blame everybody else. Expect everyone else to fix things; it’s never his fault nor his problem. Un-f***ing-believable. He’s so f***ing clueless! A f***ing clueless president for a f***ing clueless nation. His comments on the crisis include the following:

I think that whole situation will start working out. We’re very close to a vaccine. (Not even close!)

It looks like they’re getting it under control, more and more, they’re getting more and more under control. So I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away. ( Gibberish! Magically go away?!?!)

I had a long talk with President Xi — for the people in this room — two nights ago, and he feels very confident. He feels very confident. And he feels that, again, as I mentioned, by April or during the month of April, the heat, generally speaking, kills this kind of virus. So that would be a good thing. But we’re in great shape in our country. (More gibberish! The heat?!?! Apparently, 98.6 degrees doesn’t kill the virus, nor the 100+ degrees the body generates in an attempt to kill the virus. Biology 101.)

The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me! (And still more gibberish! And the market promptly tanked for the second day in a row after this comment. That’s the only thing traitor trump is truly worried about — the stock market.)

I guess Americans just want to be lied to because they keep falling for all the Idiot-in-Chief’s crap. Time after time it is all one big continuous lie and no cares because his job approval rating is near an all-time high. Americans want to be delusional. They want to be lied to; they don’t care that they’re being lied to; they just want to hear what they want to hear, and traitor trump is more than willing to do exactly that! Traitor trump says everything is fine and all of his MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil Evangelical followers believe him. Welcome to stupid America!

Traitor trump is the f***tard Americans wanted to “fix” America, so I say fine. Let it all fail. Seriously! I am so f***ing over idiots in America electing other morons to f*** everything up. So, let people die. Who cares? No one cares! MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelical love him more the more America descends into chaos, despair, and disaster. It’s what they love. F***! Evil Evangelicals want the end of the world. Who knows? This could be it! Welcome to stupid, stupid America. Get your face masks now! (That’s not going to help, but go ahead and waste the money! You can’t take it with you!)