What Good Is a Strong Economy to Dead People?

An Axios headline reads: “Trump’s approval rating hits highest point, but Biden leads poll.” Since James Carville unintentionally coined the phrase “The economy, stupid” during Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign I think the relevance on the “stupid” part has been misunderstood. In a rather not-so-subtle way, the phrase is derisive. It (rightly) suggests that people are the stupid masses that worry about the economy above all else; that a strong economy is the foundation of a free (democratic) society. In fact, it is America’s free society that is conducive to a strong economy, not vice versa. Like so many things in trump stupid America, the logic of societal beliefs is routinely backward! Take, for example, the Affordable Care Act. Traitor trump still wants to repeal it completely without offering any replacement (he claims to be concerned about people with pre-existing conditions, but he’s not), yet idiots in this country seem to forget this even though it is almost always the voters’ top concern. So, people seem to relish the freedom to die from unaffordable health care as long as traitor trump keeps spurring an economy where a family only requires three jobs (instead of four) among parents to survive. Un-f***ing-believable! Welcome to stupid America. Bread and circus stupidity here!

Moreover, these new poll results are well after the images of immigrant holding conditions, which only reinforces that this country really just doesn’t f***ing care. It really doesn’t! F***tards in this country don’t care how brown people are treated. As long as the average MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan have someone to hate then they are happier than ever. Nothing traitor trump does should encourage higher approval ratings, yet they continue to inch up because this is a f***ing G.D. trump stupid country and we may have to actually wait for the idiots and morons to die off before turning the corner. Mark my words. There is more stupidity out there than we know!