What Have I Been Saying for Years?

From an article in The Atlantic titled “Stop Waiting for Trump to Get Convicted” by Paul Rosenzweig, “Attorney General Merrick Garland is not going to save democracy. Nor is the attorney general of New York, Letitia James; the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg; nor the Fulton County district attorney, Fani Willis. As the apparent collapse of the New York district attorney’s investigation makes clear, criminal cases are hard to make. Donald Trump, despite his many seemingly criminal acts, is unlikely to ever spend a day in jail. Observers of the Trump malignancy have an unfortunate habit of wish casting—believing that their most optimistic fantasies will become reality. They did this with the Mueller investigation—remember ‘It’s Mueller Time’?—and they did it with both of Trump’s impeachments. Their dream has always been that somehow, somewhere, someone would call Trump to account for his actions and, in doing so, save American democracy.”

Bingo! Again, I have to remind readers of my First Axiom of Political Science for Presidents, which states: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever. This is a strong axiom; there are no exceptions or in-between instances. How the axiom is stated covers all and every possible case. In fact, the axiom is so strong it really should be considered a political science law. Nonetheless, it is refreshing to read another person’s opinion that reflects my neophyte knowledge — though not so naive. Of course, the article reminds me of all the moronic pundits who keep advising patience and that justice is coming. Christ! Kill me now!

The most notable f***tards include, in no particular order, Neal Katyal, Joyce Vance, Jill Wine-Banks, George Conway, Glenn Kirschner, and Michael Cohen. These are regular lawyers who make the rounds on liberal cable and radio shows who constantly try to convince audiences that traitor trump is about to go down, that AG Garland is close to bringing a case against traitor trump, that the New York and Georgia cases are closing in on traitor trump. They have been peddling some version of impending traitor trump doom since the Mueller investigation — another ending I predicted correctly, namely that nothing would ever happen. Mueller was always destined to fail. Every time these pundits speak, I am convinced more and more just how f***ing stupid they truly are. For a bunch of alleged experts on the law and the legal system, they clearly have no f***ing clue. The only progressive lawyer who has always remained unconvinced that traitor trump will be held accountable is Elie Mystal. He is the only one who cannot be fooled, and he warns others not to be fooled either. Mystal is one intelligent man! The rest just need to STFU. It’s the First Axiom, stupid! Welcome to stupid America!