
What People Will Do: Nothing

So! What will people do once this sh*t-for-brains nation of f***tards returns traitor trump to the White House? What will happen when, clearly, a minority of the population overrules the majority and turns the country over to a fascist? Will the true majority rebel? Will they take to the streets as a check to balance against the traitor trump administration’s plans to subvert the freedoms of the population and subvert democracy as we know it? Will the real majority stand firm against the minority to save America from itself? Hell f***ing no! The American people will do nothing! Absolutely f***ing nothing except capitulate and cower to the new regime. People will carry on with their lives, trying to endure the insufferable, as if this election was nothing but a blip in our storied history that need only be outlived for four years, after which “things” will return to normal. How f***ing stupid can this country be? There is no return to normal after fascism, and certainly not a return without a painful conflict (i.e., war). Once we cross the Rubicon, there is no more expectation of a peaceful transfer of power. Power stolen by force can only be countered and returned by greater force, yet this country of idiots thinks a return to normalcy is merely a four-year wait. If stupidity and apathy got us into this mess, I don’t see how the same populace would suddenly become enlightened and interested in getting us out of the morass of a second traitor trump term. It just doesn’t make sense. Traitor trump has been a slow-moving freight train barreling down the tracks for the last eight years, and morons of America still failed to get out of the way. I expected nothing less from this land of f***tards!

And don’t think “institutions” will hold again. They will not! This f***ing nation will crumble, you f***tards. You stupid, stupid people. Traitor trump will rule with impunity. The courts will not stop him, thanks to SCOTUS. And if they did rule against his administration, then he’ll ignore them. And then nothing happens. No consequences. The legislature certainly will not stand up against traitor trump. If anything, they’ll enable him. And the way this race is shaping up, this sh*t-for-brains country seems intent on giving RepubliKKKlans full control of Congress. (There goes your healthcare and abortion rights. Eh, no one cares!) So, bye, bye.

The military is not going to oppose traitor trump; they’ll fail in line like everyone else. I promise you! John Kelly is a perfect example. Given his most recent “interview” (cowardly behind closed doors), he still refuses to endorse Harris. So, for all his warnings, he still won’t walk the talk. In fact, several generals (McMaster, Milley, Mattis, McChrystal, McRaven) who worked in traitor trump’s administration are warning against re-electing him, though, again, all via behind-the-scenes interviews. Not one will get in front of the country on television or in a taped interview. Nope! It’s all quotes from news articles and books. They all hide behind the printed word. So, basically useless and ineffective. Active military leadership will be no different. Traitor trump will give illegal orders and they’ll follow them, just like Hitler’s generals. Traitor trump trashes the military all the f***ing time, and the rank-and-file and the top brass love him more for it. Unbelievable! I expected nothing less from these “brave” military men and women.

And don’t think the media will act as a fact-check or counterweight to traitor trump. They will not! They’ll all fall in line for fear of being jailed or not given access. They spent the last eight years enabling his behavior. Most of them still can’t call him a liar! The MSM at large can’t get beyond tepid wording such as “inaccurately,” “falsely,” “exaggerated,” “seems to suggest,” etc. These are all nice ways of diminishing outright and blatant lying. Major newspapers are preemptively capitulating by not endorsing. The Los Angeles Times will not endorse. The Washington Post, where “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” is keeping the lights off by not endorsing. But no one cares. Once he’s back in office, the MSM will do its best to sanewash the traitor trump administration even more so than his first term. Criticism of traitor trump will stop like turning off the water spigot. Whatever. It’s all too late anyway. Eight years, and the MSM has failed at every turn to expose traitor trump for the person he is. So, nothing will change. The battle has already been lost in the MSM. Oh, well.

Whatever! I give up! I called this race three years ago, and except for a month of believing Harris could win, I’ve never changed my mind because I understand the essence of this nation of morons. And that essence is this: People don’t want democracy anymore because they’re too f***ing stupid to apprehend the danger we’re in. It’s that simple. An idiot conman came along to promise the people riches and the ease of never having to think again. “Only I can fix it.” “You won’t have to worry about elections anymore.” And people believe him. Welcome to stupid America! No one cares as the end is clearly in sight. Mark! My! Words! F***tards! Remember, morons, you did this to yourself, and I absolutely don’t care about that! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯