What the F*** Is Wrong with Biden?

Now I’m just pissed because I see Biden continuing to pave the way for traitor trump’s return to the White House. I speak of the submarine deal with Australia, which I suppose also doubles as a metaphor for what Biden is doing to his presidency, the Democratic Party, and America’s democracy. The resulting fallout with France is just one more example — on the heals of the Afghanistan disaster — of the Biden administration’s foreign affairs incompetence. Jesus-f***ing-Christ. I thought I voted for the component guy. I thought I voted for the guy who would not sh*t on our allies. I thought I voted for the guy who would contemplate consequences first and then act accordingly.

Instead, I keep getting a president who leads an administration that can’t seem to recognize obvious outcomes one day into the future. What a f***ing joke. Let’s not sugarcoat the obvious here: Biden stabbed France — our longest ally — in the back by negotiating a submarine deal with Australia to France’s detriment (and embarrassment). And now he’s playing catch-up and make-up. Unbelievable. I understand Biden’s motive to strengthen our relationship with Australia via this deal as a means to counter China’s growing military strength in the hemisphere. Still, the way his administration did it was a disaster. We treated France poorly by it. And people wonder why his job approval rating keeps sinking. Get ready for traitor trump’s return at this rate. I just don’t see things turning around. And I won’t even get into Biden’s legislative disasters — for a seasoned Senator who was supposed to know how to bring two sides together and get stuff done. I’ll save that train wreck for another post. Welcome to stupid America! We get the government we deserve, and we like it!