When SCOTUS Kills Affirmative Action

According to Inside Higher Ed, “Colleges aren’t saying so publicly, but a few are starting the process of figuring out what they would do if the U.S. Supreme Court, as expected, rules this year against affirmative action. The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers last week recommended that colleges ‘establish a review team in early 2023 that includes your institution’s legal counsel’ to prepare.” So, everyone expects SCOTUS to ban affirmative action in college admissions, which means race can no longer be used as a criterion for deciding who will and will not be accepted. To this, I say bring it! Not that I’m against affirmative action, but I dare Whitey, in particular, to be careful what they wish for. I’m going to go out on a stereotype tear here, but it does not mean what I say is no less accurate.

So, Whitey loves to b*tch, moan, groan, and complain that non-White people are taking their spots at prestigious universities to fulfill some racial “quota.” And SCOTUS is about to give White people their wish: Don’t consider race at all. Sadly, Whitey thinks they will automatically fill the void once this barrier is removed, which means colleges will be putting more emphasis on other criteria, such as academic performance. Does Whitey really think they are the only top academic performers? Do they? Because I can think of one racial class of students that typically outperforms all others: Asians. Many may call this stereotyping, but stereotypes are actually based on reality; it may only be considered inappropriate to assume all Asians are academic overachievers. But when you have a cohort of high school seniors applying to universities, and of that cohort, Asians are the group with the highest G.P.A., S.A.T., and A.C.T. scores, then that is not stereotyping; it is a fact. Whitey will be in for a rude awakening in the coming years when the top universities are flooded with more Asians because SCOTUS deemed that colleges must now be colorblind when considering admissions criteria. How long will it be before Whitey fills a lawsuit claiming that a lack of affirmative action is unjustly and unfairly preventing them from being admitted to Harvard or Yale or M.I.T.? Oh, I can’t f***ing wait. Be careful what you wish for, f***tards! Welcome to stupid America!