When Votes Matter the Most, Morons Will Split Their Choices

I will repeat myself, again. No f***ing way Democrats win both seats. Never! Going! To! F***ing! Happen! And I will go one more prediction: voters will split their votes because they are too confused or too stupid to make up their minds. They will ease their confusion and mental suffering by either voting for one Democrat and one RepubliKKKlan or just vote in one runoff and not the other. Morons may think they are voting “strategically” when in fact it is just pure stupidity. The results of this special election in Georgia are going to be absolutely fascinating to analyze. Theoretically, if each side makes their best argument — and quite frankly the only argument that matters — namely, who controls the Senate in the first two years of the Biden administration then the number of votes should be identical for either set of Democratic and RepubliKKKlan challengers. That is to say, every person who voted for one Democrat or RepubliKKKlan would vote for the other. Then the election would only rely on which side gets out the most voters, but naturally, that won’t happen because people don’t vote strategically. They vote like morons — that’s what got traitor trump elected in the first place. Sadly, it is dumbass Democratic and progressive voters who will be unable to fall in line as RepubliKKKlans do. It never fails. Dumbass Democrats will deviate more than RepubliKKKlans and that will cost us the Senate because for the love of f***ing God all we ask for is that Democrats show the f*** up to the polls and vote for both Democratic candidates. I can’t! Eh, who cares anymore at this point? The incompetent party — RepubliKKKlans — usually wins in America! Welcome to trump stupid America!