White Man’s Grievance: Putin’s War

An article from The New York Times, “Word by Word and Between the Lines: A Close Look at Putin’s Speech,” does an excellent job of dissecting Putin’s Monday national address. The byline reads: “In an impassioned address about Ukraine, Russia’s leader laid bare grievances old and new.” And the lead-in paragraphs start, “In a long and heated address on Monday, Vladimir V. Putin, Russia’s president, spun a narrative whose implications sprawl well beyond his stated purpose of recognizing the independence of two Ukrainian territories held by Moscow-backed separatists. Mr. Putin’s speech was awash with hard-line Russian nationalism, angry paranoia toward the West, baseless claims of Ukrainian aggression, a sense of lost imperial pride on the verge of reclamation and, most of all, invocations of history, much of it distorted or fabricated.”

Suffice it to say, Putin is like every other white male (and female) conservative here in the U.S. in that he’s just another white aggrieved snowflake yearning for the yesteryears when white straight males ruled the world and told everyone else how to live their lives, which is all being powered by his toxic masculinity to top it off. Unbelievable that the war with Ukraine is all because of Putin’s white male fragility. Just like traitor trump! No wonder they love each other. No wonder RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks revere Putin, love Russia, and love authoritarianism more than Biden, America, and democracy. Forty percent of America is nothing but a reflection of Putin’s and traitor trump’s snowflake grievances. As I have said so many times, traitor trump held up a mirror to Americans, and they fell in love with the reflection. Putin is doing the same to Americans, and they are falling in love all over again. Moreover, Putin’s stated aim is to undermine and weaken America’s democracy, and sadly we have the same 40 percent of the population who oblige Putin daily because they are all f***ing traitors! Un-f***ing-believable! America is truly too stupid and cannot survive the [T]rump Party-Putin alliance. I expected nothing less. Hey, Putin, traitor trump, and all your devotees: F*** your fragile, snowflake feelings! You people are weak and morons. And one last piece of advice for all you American Putin-lovers. Take your Second Amendment right, stick it in your mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger! Welcome to stupid America!