White Trash: This! Is America!

From CNN: “A noose was found in Bubba Wallace’s garage stall Sunday, according to a statement from NASCAR. Wallace, who is the only Black driver in NASCAR’s top circuit, has been very outspoken in the last few weeks about the Black Lives Matter movement and the corresponding protests. He even called on NASCAR to ban the Confederate flag, which they did on June 10.” Of course, there was a noose because root and stem, morons! Root! And! Stem! I don’t know how many times I must say it, but a divided America cannot stand until the racist MAGA morons are obliterated from society — root and stem, just as cancer it cut, poised, and irradiate from the body or a weed it pulled from the dirt. Welcome to trump stupid America!

I don’t trust for a second what the FBI says they found or didn’t find. Clearly, just as traitor trump has corrupted every other aspect of federal law enforcement, I have no doubt that he told the FBI to make these allegations go away to save the reputation of the redneck, white supremacist sport, which mystifies spectators by racing cars in circles.