Why All QAnon and Evil Evangelicals Should Be Immediately Executed!

From Salon, “Although QAnon isn’t known for being a religious movement per se, The Atlantic’s Adrienne LaFrance has reported on QAnon-minded churches being developed. And Kristian predicts that QAnon will grow as a religious sect. ‘The church of QAnon may be a portent of things to come,’ Kristian writes. ‘Traditional religiosity is declining in America, but humanity will not cease to be religious. It will merely diversify its sources of increasingly customized religiosity. From lapsed evangelicals, as many QAnon adherents seem to be, to religiously unaffiliated “nones,” people crave the community, meaning and purpose church provides — even if they abandon or reject its teachings.’ Kristian notes the similarities between QAnon’s views and the views of end-time Christian fundamentalists, who have an obsession with the apocalypse.”

This level of stupidity cannot — must not— be allowed to survive. Kill them all before it’s too late for America! Oh, who the f*** am I kidding? It was too late the second traitor trump was elected, but no one believes me and no one will until more people die because of traitor trump’s incompetence. For some, it will never be enough dead because those MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals will always think the “right” people (a.k.a. anyone but themselves) are dying. Welcome to trump stupid America. The country is just simply beyond fixing at this point. Morons got us to this place and there is no returning because welcome to stupid America!