Why Aren’t These People Dying From SARS 2?

The Hill reports, “Kimberly Guilfoyle, a top fundraising official for the Trump campaign and the girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr., tested positive for COVID-19, a person familiar with the matter confirmed to The Hill on Friday. … Herman Cain, a Trump supporter who attended the Tulsa rally, shared earlier in the week that he has also tested positive and was hospitalized.” Why won’t these people and their immediate loved ones die from SARS 2? They deserve it for being traitor trump supporters. Let’s face it: no MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil evangelical should be allowed to breathe and walk in America! They’re all vile people! And I don’t give one G.D. f*** if I sound just as vile and hypocritical. I want these people muerto so they can’t vote for traitor trump again.

When Biden said we’re in a battle for the soul of America, he was wasn’t f***ing kidding, but this is not some ephemeral, nebulous, theoretical, or philosophical battle as I fear most liberals believe the situation to be. This is a real f***ing battle with a segment of society that wants to destroy America through violence and replace it with white nationalism. These people are a real, true f***ing threat! Witness how much power than have been gaining in just four years! Beware, morons. Progressives need to get a f***ing G.D. backbone because when softies show up to a battle with knives and signs with pusillanimous slogans, I promise MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals will be wielding real, loaded guns. Have we not seen plenty of this already? Get ready, idiots. We should all be praying that SARS 2 wipes out more traitor trump supporters because dead people can’t shoot a gun (or vote). Welcome to stupid America where a weak and feckless majority of “sympathetic and compassionate” liberals is just as dangerous as an armed and radical right-wing nutjob minority. Fight and vote, people! Enough of this hoping and wishing others will “do the right thing” and the national will magically right itself! All f***ing nonsense B.S.