‘Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry’

From the titled article (above) in Yes!, “Decades of political decisions and policies have created a massive and growing chasm between the economic and social disaster unfolding in small-town and rural parts of the United States, and the prosperity and safety of cities and suburbs. Many of those successful urban and suburban areas have reaped the rewards of electing largely moderate, competent Democratic leaders. Meanwhile, rural areas have elected Republicans drawn from a party that is increasingly incompetent, corrupt, and willing to engage in outright racism to win elections. … This is not simply an urban–rural divide. For the largest urbanized states, the three with Democratic control of all branches of government (California, New York, and Illinois) had GDPs per capita vastly higher than the three biggest Republican-controlled states (Texas, Florida, and Ohio). … Surveys and studies consistently find Trump’s generally older, White supporters enraged at ‘loss of status’ and in fear of being ‘replaced’ by non-White people. That White people are falling behind across key economic, health, and safety indexes is not due to victimization by immigrants and liberal conspiracies, however, but to victimization by other Whites and self-inflicted alcoholism, drug overdose, and suicide. … Yet, despite these gains, White voters vehemently rejected Democrats in successive elections. Today, Trump’s base voters are electing candidates who share their racial resentment and imagined victimization, not those who actually are advancing their safety and economic well-being.”

There never seems to be an end to these types of compositions that reaffirm a manifest conclusion of the state of the RepubliKKKlan Party: All conservatives — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks — suffer from white privilege grievance syndrome. We have finally achieved critical mass in stupid America, where white grievance determines how people vote and how politicians attract their voters. None of this is new, but what is novel is that white grievance is the overwhelmingly and singularly driving force of white voters. They would rather live in a state of poverty and turpitude than recognize that the days of protestant white straight cis men ruling over everyone else are over. Rather than coming to terms with the notion of an ever-changing and ever-progressing world, they want to drag America back to the 1850s. It is a lamentable commentary on a country that is more interested in looking backward than forward. Whites would cut off their nose despite their face without thinking twice if they thought it was a way to keep the minorities — people of color, the gays, women — in their place, which is well below in the social order and supplicant to white folk! To all those aggrieved RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, I say this: F*** your feelings! Welcome to stupid America!