Why Did America Bother Going to the Moon?

Attribution: Getty Images

I saw this image as part of an article about traitor trump’s banking proposal on fossil fuels; the article states, “The proposed rule, which would put limitations on banks that try to exclude entire industries like oil and gas from financing, has garnered support from a number of Republican lawmakers who back fossil fuels while sparking criticism from libertarian-oriented organizations.” Still, RepubliKKKlans just love to back all the worst policies. They claim to be free-market supporters unless, of course, banks want to eschew business with certain industries. Then the government must step in to ensure oil and gas companies have the financial access to prosper and pollute. But I am more struck by the picture, which reminds me of those dual RepubliKKKlan hatreds of the Green New Deal and climate change as the tugboats guide a drilling rig through what I assume is pristine Alaskan waters with mountain wilderness in the background. It is a tortured juxtaposition. Every time these twin issues resurface in politics I wonder why did America bother going to the Moon?

Regarding the Green New Deal, one conservative critic from the Cato Institute states, “But even in some parallel universe where it was possible to implement an agenda that would replace the whole country’s energy supply with government financed renewables, refurbish every building to improve energy efficiency, eliminate gas burning cars, build extensive high‐​speed rail and cut the number of flights and cows to near zero, the cost would be astronomical.” The statement is, of course, an exaggeration, but hyperbolic assertions like eliminating cows are nothing new for brain dead conservatives to scare their brain dead believers. Needless to say, aspects of the Green New Deal are aspirational (eliminating cows is not one of them), but the goal of saving the planet is ambitious and dare I say necessary to human survival.

Again, I ask why did Americans support the expense to develop unknown technology for a dream to travel to a knowingly worthless hunk of rock orbiting Earth? By the standards of today’s RepubliKKKlans, going to the Moon would have been wasted money that the government is foolish to spend, especially since there is nothing profitable to gain. By their standards, we would have never gone, but as usual RepubliKKKlans, being the party of morons, always miss the greater point, purpose, and value of doing that which is hard.

We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. –JFK

Welcome to stupid America where saving the planet is controversial and too f***ing hard. I could go on about the virtues of the collective ambitions of Americans in the 1960s, but I think the contrast with the fecklessness of today’s politics is exceedingly self-evident. I can’t anymore with this stupid country. Don’t think Biden’s win fixed anything; it’s only slowed the bleeding, for as long as RepubliKKKlans continue to win in states, gain seats in the U.S. House, and keep a grip on the U.S. Senate then nothing will change. Whatever! I give up! America is going to be trump stupid forever.