Why Idiot Voters Should Stay the F*** Home

Axios provides more insight into the morons of America. For example, “All but two of the participants said their 2016 vote was a vote against the other candidate, not for the person they supported. ‘I wanted something new and different to shake it up in a more positive way,’ said Brenda R.” Oh, I’m sorry! What part of traitor trump calling every one of his presidential opponents names, slandering a war hero (McCain), calling Mexicans rapists, and so forth appeared to be positive? Seriously! How the f*** does someone look at traitor trump and discern that he will be a positive, inspirational leader? F*** me! Stupid f***ing morons! Then there are these f***ing G.D. Scheiße-for-brains protest voters who just want to vote against someone. What the f*** has ever been accomplished by merely voting against someone? Nothing. So, we get idiot boy traitor trump by default because they just didn’t want Clinton. Hello, f***ing morons. If you’re going to vote RepubliKKKlan as a protest vote then just stay the f*** home! Seriously! Don’t vote!

But wait! There is more stupidity: “Frederick W., a 23-year-old who went for Trump in 2016, said: ‘I didn’t want [Clinton] to be president. I liked Trump more because he’s real. We knew what we were getting into when we voted for him.’” Because he’s real? Real like a reality T.V. show? Un-f***ing-believable. Moreover, I guess only a moron can look at traitor trump the liar, traitor trump the misogynist, traitor trump the bigot, traitor trump the racist and vote for him because, hey, “we knew what we were getting into.” I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore! Welcome to stupid f***ing America!