Politics Purely Moronic

‘Why?’ Is the Wrong Question

If I have to hear MSM, pundits, experts, commentators, and analysts ask why the Uvalde killer killed, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. Once the shock of yet another gun massacre wears off, people start to focus on the “why?” Why does a person kill? What was the motive? Blah, blah, blah. The why is irrelevant at this point. It’s always irrelevant because we are never going to be able to predict and mitigate every “why” situation. And, naturally, asking why devolves into some sort of blame game on mental illness or a crazy young adult. The world is filled with mentally ill people and raging young adults, but only in America do we point fingers at these people to avoid the real issue: Guns!

The real question should be “how?” By what means were the victims murdered? How did the killer kill? Only in America is mass killing by guns always the common denominator. But in true American style, we deflect, deny, and delay remedies. As usual, Americans are more interested in perpetuating the carnage and have no interest in actually fixing anything because we focus on the wrong question. The MSM wants to focus on the touchy-feely emotions of victims by asking why? Why?!?! Why?!?! Why?!?! Such horror! Why?!?! Another school shooting. Why?!?! That’s what sells news. We should be focused on the much less glamorous question of how? How to f***ing fix the disaster that is America! Welcome to stupid America! Dumber today than yesterday!