Why Traitor [T]rump Will Survive and Thrive Under Impeachment

According to CNN, “On Friday, former Sen. Jeff Flake told NPR that at least 35 GOP Senators would support impeaching Trump if they were allowed to vote in secret. ‘Anybody who has sat through two years, as I have, of Republican luncheons realizes that there’s not a lot of love for the President. There’s a lot of fear of what it means to go against the President, but most Republican senators would not like to be dealing with this for another year or another five years,’ he said.” Naturally, all RepubliKKKlans are cowards. They have no principles, nor do they care about doing what’s right. Since Senate votes are not secret, there is no way RepubliKKKlans will do the right thing. This is a classic prisoner’s dilemma game theory situation, which the traitor trump administration has been playing from the beginning. They know the only way to win is to obstruct and deny. It is akin to both prisoners remaining silent. The administration says nothing, gives nothing and the RepubliKKKlans do not criticize or push for the truth. So, Democrats are left fighting in the courts trying to get documents, get witnesses, and get a fair hearing. As long as RepubliKKKlans hold tight — and they will — they know they can weather this storm just like the rest. RepubliKKKlans fear traitor trump and his MAGA moron supporters because this is stupid America!

To be sure, once traitor trump survives impeachment and wins re-election then he will be untouchable. RepubliKKKlans will protect him and Democrats will be powerless. Mark my words, morons. This is a trump stupid country with no way to get rid of the man except by term limits.