Words Matter

Here we go again! A Washington Post headline reads: “Defund the police? Here’s what that really means.” Immediately, if you’re explaining then you’re losing (the argument). Un-f***ing-believable! Leave it to liberals to muck up the Black Lives Matter and police violence causes with a non-sense cry to “defund the police.” What a great slogan! Ugh! The most straightforward way to interrupt the meaning is to withdrawal funding of police to the point that they cannot function effectively or defund the police out of existence — to some, this is precisely the intended meaning. Then enter the “law and order” RepubliKKKlans to destroy the progress and meaning of the protests because, of course, progressives gave RepubliKKKlans an argument that will resonate with most Americans (i.e., don’t defund the police per se, no further qualification or explanation needed). So, now Black Lives Matter will be equated with getting rid of the police altogether. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Words matter, especially when used imprecisely.

Where the f*** is our Frank Luntz? Why the f*** can’t dumbass Democrats ever learn to be more calculating, ruthless, and exacting? The party needs its own pollster and thought influencer that can tell Democratic politicians how the rest of the moron voters in America should think and should perceive issues. Where is our chief manipulator? Luntz is most noted for coining the term “death tax,” which has been immensely effective at turning everyone against the estate tax — a tax that was enacted to help prevent wealth from accumulating from generation to generation. You know! Accumulating like an aristocracy class, but this is stupid America where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer — and no one cares! (That is a topic for a whole other post!) I get so f***ing sick of the Democratic Party constantly being in “herding cats” mode.

On a related note, I can’t wait for the pendulum of public opinion to swing back on this subject because this is stupid America where we don’t think long term. (“Of course, collective thinking is usually short-lived. We’re fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a gift for self-destruction.”) America is incapable of moving in the right direction for sustained periods to really, truly make positive change effective and lasting. Presidents since Carter: Four years of a Democrat then 12 years of a RepubliKKKlan, then eight years of a Democrat, then eight years of a RepubliKKKlan, then eight years of a Democrat, and now four years of a RepubliKKKlan. And we wonder why America never seems to be able to fix anything! Welcome to stupid America.