Worthless Poll Question

According to Axios, “69% of Americans disapprove of President Biden’s handling of inflation, according to an ABC News-Ipsos poll published Sunday.” What a f***ing G.D. worthless poll question. Seriously! What a joke. First, the question assumes the president of the United States actually has any sort of control over inflation. WTF?!?! The Fed has more influence over inflation than the president does, and to remind morons of America, the president does not tell the Fed what to do. Second, the question evinces the incomprehensible stupidity of voters and, of course, their profound lack of understanding of economics. Gas prices are a ubiquitous example of this, and they are often viewed as a barometer of inflation for everything. (By the way, it’s not; it’s just the most noticeable. But one would swear people vote based on gas price on their way to the voting booth — God help us!) Now, when Biden announced he was going to release 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in response to pressure from “people” to do something about gas prices, I rolled my eyes and remained silent on the subject because I thought it was a ridiculous tactic, although it was a good play optically for morons of America. And, as I have said several times before, Biden needs to play the optics game more effectively, so good on him. Let the confused masses be fooled. That being said, would anyone like to venture a guess about how many barrels of oil the U.S. consumes per day? Anyone? Anyone at all? About 18 million. So, Biden will release about three days’ worth of oil — a drop in the bucket and obviously not enough to impact gas prices significantly.

While, in fact, gas prices have dropped about 10 percent since his announcement, I have two concepts that more likely explain this “phenomenon”: Reversion to the mean and correlation is not causation. (I will leave it to the uninformed reader to Google for a fulsome explanation.) Needless to say, the recent drop in gas prices is more a coincidence of timing, which reinforces my previous point: Biden has no control over inflation (i.e., prices)! But the MSM likes to gin up its pathetic, stupid viewership into believing he does, and that false narrative exactly mirrors the results of this poll. And that leads me to my final point. Of course, the MSM (and pollsters) want to play this inflation story for all it can by asking stupid people stupid questions that yield stupid (worthless) results which add no value to our knowledge base except to convey a message that voters are pissed — about something. What else is new? F*** me! I live in stupid, stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!