Wow! Democrats Have Big F***ing Balls (in Texas)

From CNN, “Texas Republicans’ push to enact a slew of new voting restrictions was stymied — at least for now — by Democrats who walked off the state House floor late Sunday night, leaving majority Republicans without the quorum they needed to approve the bill in the final hours before a midnight deadline.” I am shocked; Democrats showed some balls last night in Texas. They used the nuclear option for once to kill the bill! Even though it is a temporary victory as RepubliKKKlans will no doubt double down in the next (special) legislative session by making sure quorum is never an issue again, sometimes it is this show of force that demonstrates Democrats’ ability to be ruthless that is the point, and Lord knows evincing political chutzpah is a quality they desperately need in the eyes of their constituents to prove they can play hardball politics. Now, if only they always played hardball instead of doing so at the eleventh hour when the issue is a fait accompli. And if only dumbass Democrats in Congress would get a clue. But they won’t because Democrats are weak and pathetic. Welcome to stupid America where RepubliKKKlans are ruthless at destroying America’s democracy while Democrats are still “hoping” things get better.