Wow! People Really Don’t Want Health Care Protection

According to Politico, “Though the electorate is closely split on the general question of whether the Senate should consider a Supreme Court nominee towards the end of a president’s term, with a small plurality opposed, the new Monmouth University survey found that when it comes to this specific vacancy, 51 percent of voters disapprove of efforts to fill it before Nov. 3 compared to 46 percent who support the move. Still, a majority — 53 percent — of those polled agree that the Senate should hold confirmation hearings for Trump’s nominee. The president nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Saturday, by which point the poll was already underway.”

Un-f***ing-believable! Bearly a majority think confirming a SCOTUS pick just before the election is wrong. I give up! Either f***tards of America have no idea about that see you next Tuesday Amy Coney Barrett b*tch’s intention to void the ACA (aka too dumb to have researched who the f*** this person is about to sit on the High Court for the next forty years and what she stands for) or they just don’t care. I’m going with they don’t care. It’s always difficult to opine about America’s level of engagement when selecting between the choice of a really, really stupid electorate or an electorate that just doesn’t care anymore. It’s a coin toss. And clearly, it is a coin toss whether people are bothered or not by this entire SCOTUS fight.