WTF, Biden! Seriously, WTF!

From Politico, “President Joe Biden on Thursday declared a ‘historic’ breakthrough with congressional Democrats toward passing his signature Build Back Better agenda, launching a sales job for legislation that is yet to be written and remains in limbo on Capitol Hill. … Although Biden positioned the framework he presented to Congress earlier in the day as essentially a done deal, numerous hurdles and significant internal discord remain for Democratic lawmakers who have spent weeks in painstaking negotiations on the massive social spending package.”

Then this happened: “House Democratic leaders on Thursday were once again forced to push back the timeline for a vote on a $1 trillion infrastructure bill, a sign of ongoing divisions within the party and a major blow to President Joe Biden and party leaders eager to show they can deliver on their agenda. The decision to delay the vote came just hours after Biden appealed directly to House Democrats in a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill, pitching them on a framework for a separate, larger climate and economic package.”

I have to say it because it’s true: Biden, at this point, is a worse president than traitor trump. But I guess I’ve been foreshadowing the moment since inauguration day. Biden is f***ing weak and pathetic. He is coming off as more of a dotard than traitor trump. This is nothing new; I’ve been saying it for months. I’m sorry to offend everyone’s sensibilities and, Lord knows, I am sorely disappointed to have to admit it — and there is plenty of time for him to turn around the presidency. However, at the same point in traitor trump’s presidency, he was just an incompetent embarrassment who spent more time golfing and joy-riding in Air Force One. Ten months into the presidency, he was still figuring out how to wield power and only abused the “summon the Diet Coke” button. Not many expected much from him. As for Biden, with all of his experience, he was supposed to be different, yet what we get is more of the same. Biden repeatedly gets ahead of himself only to embarrass the presidency and the party at every turn. (At least he’s not calling Nazis very fine people.) And I’ve repeatedly said this as well: Biden cannot expect to fix America’s problems by returning to “normal.” No, he needs to overcorrect, but he’s just too timid for the task. So, we’re stuck slowly backsliding.

Nonetheless, Biden clearly does not have control over the Democratic Party, and this weakness and lack of leadership are precisely the optics killing his job approval rating. News flash: You don’t stand in front of the nation to declare “we’ve done it,” then only to have your party come out to say and do the contrary. What the f*** was he thinking? What the f*** are people around him thinking? Does he not understand that you underpromise and over-deliver? Instead — and repeatedly — he declares victory while the battle is still raging and he’s apparently on the losing end. Un-f***ing-believable. I will tell you this: We are done with Biden letting Democrats run around like a bunch of rogue teenagers. He’s the m*****f***ing president and leader of the Democratic Party. He should have put his foot down — like the angry father — months ago and demanded a paired down Build Back Better plan gets done — behind closed doors and not in the public sphere where it looks like the party has no clue how to legislate. While Democrats do hold all the cards, they seem to forget they lost considerable ground in the House, so Biden’s Build Back Better agenda may not have been as well-received as we would like to think. Never mind that individual components poll extremely favorably. That was the case with the ACA, yet morons of America crucified Democrats for passing it in the midterms. Once again, progressives and moderates are both overplaying their hands and Biden is letting them. Biden’s asking and cajoling are getting old and we’re over it. Whip your party into shape for God f***ing sake! What a disaster. Whatever! I should not be surprised. Dumbass Democrats are weak and incapable of exercising power. As a result, our democracy will die as Biden helps to shuffle the process along — just like his gait. And don’t get me started on what Biden’s DOJ is failing to do to hold traitors of America accountable. We’re sick of that inaction, too. It’s all connected, people! I’ll save that for another day! Welcome to stupid America! We get the government we deserve.