WTF Was That?

Biden addresses the nation about the Uvalde, Texas, elementary school massacre to basically say “thoughts and prayers” and “we must do more” on gun control. Un-f***ing-believable! Wow! Thanks for that sage “piece of your mind.” This is why nothing will ever change. I can’t anymore with him. I just f***ing can’t. I get his rage, but honestly, this is the time to pit the nation against RepubliKKKlans et al. We need Democratic politicians willing to take the fight to the enemy party. The era of Biden’s bipartisanship fantasy land is over! How many more children have to die before the actual majority rises up against the minority RepubliKKKlan tyranny? Sorry, Biden. You may be able to lead on foreign policy, but not so much domestically if all you’re going to do is stand up before the nation and admonish the state of affairs. Do something or get out of the way. I know you are a wartime president, but you cannot run for re-election. Please clear the way for the next person now so that the party can get behind your successor sooner rather than later.