Yeah, America Is F***ed by Its Stupidity

Source: FiveThirtyEight

The graph above of traitor trump’s job approval rating is all one needs to understand America is the f***ing dumbest country on the planet, dumb enough to re-elect the Idiot-in-Chief. That 43% “dip” from the most recent peak is merely a reversion to the mean. Said differently, traitor trump, in the minds of the population of f***tards, is performing no better nor no worse during the SARS 2 (COVID-19) pandemic. Un-f***ing-believable.

Congratu-f***ing-lations to a country of f***tards that will never learn. Trump will get re-elected because if this disaster can’t persuade people then nothing will. Moreover, taritor trump has commandeered the “wartime” presidency moniker. Indeed, we should be treating SARS II as a wartime effort, but traitor trump is a miserable leader. Yet, that will not dissuade voters from getting behind the moron in the name of patriotism and “we’re all in this together.” When, in fact, traitor trump truly believes that “you guys” are in this together, not he! He’s just worried about his businesses and the stock market. Trust me when I say that there are enough hidden traitor trump voters in enough states to make re-election happen. Mark my words, morons. Welcome to trump stupid America for another four years.