Yeah, We Are F***ed!

From the Web: “Trump Supporter Admits Trump Is Screwing Over America, Says She Still Supports Him.” The headline says it all, but there is a special kind of stupidity with MAGA morons. There are a couple of points to make. First, where the f*** have these idiots been in the last year and a half? They should have known their returns would have been less because part of the new tax law required less withholding, which means less year-end refunds. This is a subtle point RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are too stupid to understand, so surprise — they are surprised come tax season. Second, and more important, is that these MAGA morons still support traitor trump even as they articulate justification to distrust him. Witness this quote from a MAGA moron: “‘I believe he isn’t showing his income tax returns because he didn’t pay anything, and we are paying in money. … He’s paying nothing when he’s making billions or wherever he’s at. So maybe he doesn’t understand. I want to believe he didn’t know that was going to happen to people, that he was hurting the middle class.’” Reading this excerpt is beyond infuriating because it is completely consistent with every other interview and focus group conducted with RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. How can people be this m*****f***ing G.D. stupid?!?! How?

So, let me see if I can understand the logic of an idiot. This person [Karen S.] continues to support traitor trump even though she basically accuses him of shifting the burden of paying taxes from the wealthy (and business) class to the middle class. But she still supports him. Oh, then there is this notion of “he doesn’t understand,” no doubt projecting her own stupidity onto traitor trump — because she doesn’t understand then maybe traitor trump doesn’t understand how he’s hurting the middle class. How rich is this? Seriously! How f***ing rich is this level of idiocracy? A wealthy lying self-serving idiot elected as president is supposed to “understand” the problems of the middle class enough to want to help them. I can’t. I just can’t anymore.

As long as voters continue to possess this kind of idiot logic then we are f***ed. As I have said before, MAGA morons believe traitor trump can do no wrong even as they plainly state that he is not making their lives any better off. This is what a stupid country looks like! Welcome to stupid America! Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people!