Yeah, We’re Screwed Sideways (x10)

The Daily Beast writes, “Fan-favorite guest James Carville returns to ask, ‘What is Merrick Garland doing by the way? I don’t think this man knows whether to wind his ass or scratch his watch’ while arguing that it’s time to lock up Steve Bannon on the way to locking up Donald Trump — ‘You can’t have the most famous person in the United States blatantly committing crimes.’… And Carville talks with Molly Jong-Fast about the ‘critically important … high stakes’ Virginia race — ‘This shit is hard but if you don’t do it I’m not exaggerating to say that they come back in power in 2024, you can kiss this democracy’s ass goodbye, it’s gone.’”

James Carville is a genius political strategist. During the 2020 election, when Georgia was too close to call for Biden, Carville was on MSNBC telling viewers (like me) to just relax. Biden was going to take the state. Naturally, I was thinking NFW! But sure enough, he was right. He’s been right about a great many things, the most famous of which was his “the economy, stupid” messaging during Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign. That basic (focused) understanding of people and politics helped get Clinton elected. He’s absolutely right about Virginia, too. That will be the bellwether for Democrats imploding in 2024 and the end of America’s democracy, or (perhaps) not. Obviously, I’ve been in the “America’s democracy is gone” camp, but anything is possible. Nonetheless, when Carville speaks, people should f***ing listen — carefully!

He’s also right about AG Garland! That man is a disaster for America. You know. I could not for the life of me figure out why RepubliKKKlan Senators allowed his confirmation to continue. I mean, there are many Biden nominations still on hold or have been torpedoed by RepubliKKKlan Senators. Surely, at the time of Garland’s nomination, I thought no RepubliKKKlan Senator would allow an AG nomination by a Democratic president to succeed because that would mean the AG could investigate everything about traitor trump and his administration. Surely, that will not happen. But it did happen rather quickly, in fact. And now I know why: Garland is weak and incompetent. RepubliKKKlans must have sensed that he was such a “by the book” institutionalist that he would never investigate traitor trump or any of his enablers for fear of making the DOJ political. You know — the exact opposite of what traitor trump did. And they were right! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: The way to combat traitor trump is not simply a return to “normal” or to abide by convention and tradition. No! Those guidelines were destroyed over the last five years. Rather, it is to over-correct. That over-correction means going after traitor trump and all those around him — basically everyone in his administration and then many more. But, of course, that is never going to happen. Garland is clearly doing nothing to hold anyone accountable for destroying America during the traitor trump presidency. Jesus-f***ing-Christ! The Capitol insurrectionists are getting slaps on the wrist for trying to subvert the will of the people and the government. Thus, traitor trump will, like everything else in his life, gets away with it — and returns to the White House to boot. So, whatever! Welcome to trump stupid America. Biden is only the intermission before the end, morons. Mark my words!