Yes, Anybody but Warren

The Hill reports, “The killing by police of an unarmed black man in Minneapolis has aimed the national spotlight at systemic racism in America. It’s also added pressure on Joe Biden to pick an African-American running mate.” Absolutely! I hope so! No! I demand that it be so! Biden better not be stupid enough not to pick an African-American running mate. I want to see Harris — she was my pick for president. And all these veepstakes opinions from the morons in MSM that keep pushing the Warren narrative are f***ing G.D. idiots and I hope Biden is not that dumb, but he is, after all, a Democrat so there is a 100% probability he will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I don’t give one G.D. f*** about appeasing the liberals in the Democratic party. There is no f***ing way any Democrat should condone the risk of losing a Senate seat by picking Warren. There is no f***ing way the RepubliKKKlan governor of Massachusetts won’t pick a RepubliKKKlan senator to replace Warren even if only temporarily. Moreover, there is no guarantee that citizens of Massachusetts would replace Warren with another Democrat — they did elect a RepubliKKKlan governor! No, let’s be f***ing smart and not endanger a very, very valuable Democratic Senator’s seat. An African-American choice is the safest choice and the best choice!