Yes, Dumbass Democrats Are Killing Democracy

Let me first be clear about the title. This does not mean I’m pro-RepubliKKKlan. That will happen only when hell freezes over. What the title does convey is my ever-lasting frustration with dumbass Democrats being the morally right party while also being the weak, pathetic opposition. Yes, every election is not so much a struggle between picking between two parties as it is knowing Democrats eventually shoot themselves in the foot. Unsurprisingly, I am reacting to an article from CNN, “Commentators offer different theories to explain Biden’s low approval ratings, but many miss the importance of partisan loyalty. Gallup polls show that Biden’s support among Democrats declined from 95% at the start of his presidency to 85% by early 2022. Trump, on the other hand, had lost only 1% of Republicans over a similar time period during his presidency, going from 87% to 86% in approval. What could likely account for Biden’s comparatively worse losses among members of his own party is the insidious influence of what I call the ‘fan fiction left.’”

In previous posts, I have lamented Democrats’ (including my own) displeasure with Biden, but I’m sure not in hell going to tell a pollster that. I may think it privately (and not so privately here), but I’m still going to support Biden if he runs for re-election — let’s hope not, though. Unfortunately, there is not an insignificant portion of the dumbass Democrat caucus that likes to stick it to Biden publicly, as the polls show and as some (e.g., AOC) tacitly reveal. Of course, Democrats are the first ones to abandon their president the second they ask, What have you done for me lately? Eh.