Yes for Harris! But It’s Not Enough!

Fantastic! Harris, who is my top pick, will be on the ticket! And now I can positively say that the Biden/Harris ticket has an even chance of beating the traitor trump/penis-loving pence ticket. Yes! I am officially changing my prognostication of the presidential election from a traitor trump sure win to a 95 percent chance of winning. If, in fact, the election can be free and fair (all big ifs) then Biden will win, but if there is any voter suppression, legal wrangling, shenanigans, Russian interference or outright cheating — all of which is a certainty given the imperial power of the president — then traitor trump will win.

I am surprised that traitor trump has not kicked penis-loving penis off the ticket yet. Time is running out. Traitor trump only cares about traitor trump and winning, and I find it very difficult to believe he is not considering a counterpunch to the Harris move. Seriously! penis-loving pence is such a f***ing wet noodle compared to Harris. Progressives and liberals needed the excitement to get motivated to vote and Harris will deliver — nevermind the pathetic pandering the Democratic electorate needs to get excited, for traitor trump alone should be all the motivation required for liberal and progressive voters. But whatever. Wet noddle versus firecracker! Bring it! At least it will be fun to watch as the country sinks.