
You Stupid Muslims!

According to NPR, “President Donald Trump said Saturday he’d like to see Jordan, Egypt and other Arab nations increase the number of Palestinian refugees they are accepting from the Gaza Strip — potentially moving out enough of the population to ‘just clean out’ the war-torn area to create a virtual clean slate. During a 20-minute question-and-answer session with reporters aboard Air Force One on Saturday, Trump also said he’s ended his predecessor’s hold on sending 2,000-pound bombs to Israel. That lifts a pressure point that had been meant to reduce civilian casualties during Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza that is now halted by a tenuous ceasefire. ‘We released them today,’ Trump said of the bombs. ‘They’ve been waiting for them for a long time.’ Asked why he lifted the ban on those bombs, Trump responded, ‘Because they bought them.’”

I laugh in your faces! I cheer this news, not that I am anti-Muslim — though I will say Islam is the worst of the three major religions, but I hate all organized religions nearly equally. No, I don’t hate Muslims per se, but this is what you and your Palestinian “uncommitted”/third-party f***tard supporters voted for. I can’t tell you how many times I read articles or listened to an MSM segment whereby they interviewed pro-Palestinian voters who could not be bothered to vote for Harris because Biden wasn’t doing enough, fast enough, to end the war between Israel and Hamas. Think about that! Americans were blaming Biden for not stopping a war between another nation and a terrorist organization. They constantly — unceasingly — lamented how those poor Palestinians were being killed by “Biden’s” bombs. Remember that B.S. “Genocide Joe” moniker? So, what does Dictator Don do as proof that he’s no “Genocide Joe?” Releases the embargo on 2,000-pound bombs placed on Israel by — wait for it … wait for it — Biden! Biden stopped the delivery of these bunker-busting bombs to Israel; Dictator Don resumed delivery. Ha! What a joke. God. I live in stupid hell.

I wonder what these “uncommitted” voters think now. Probably nothing because they were pretty adamant that if Harris lost, then it would not be their fault; it was her fault for not convincing them she would be better for the Palestinian people over The Don! Many of them understood the risks very well, knowing they could help The Don! re-enter the White House, and they were okay with that possible outcome. You stupid, stupid Muslims and your ilk who were indifferent to Dictator Don’s return to power. Now you’ll pay. You and your extended family members in the Gaza Strip will pay dearly. And I don’t care because you put your selfish Palestinian interests above protecting America’s democracy from another ruinous Dictator Don term — a democracy from which you benefit greatly. As I’ve said many times before, if you are so concerned about the plight of Palestinians, then f***ing move to the Gaza Strip and help your people out! Don’t be complicit in destroying democracy in America because you’re pissy about Biden’s policy. This is one rare instance in which I agree with The Don’s! America First policy.

But his comments are worse than you think. Oh, yeah, The Don! may favor ending the war, but only because he wants to relocate the entire Gaza Strip population to other Arab nations and rebuild it — in Israel’s image. You f***ing fools of the highest f***ing order. You morons just helped a guy get back into the presidency so he could literally depopulate the Gaza Strip and give it to Israel. He’s giving the hotly contested homeland that Palestinian Americans have been b*tching must be part of a two-state solution with Israel — to Israel! If there was any doubt about where Dictator Don’s allegiance lies, then it is confirmed now; it’s with Israel’s one-state solution, as was entirely predictable by everyone except f***tard Palestinian Americans. Ha! Ha! Ha! I can’t stop laughing at your grave, grave miscalculation by endorsing Dictator Don as if he ever had your interests at heart. Of course, I pray The Don! follows through with his designs. Elections have consequences, and all too often, dumbass Democrats are the dam shielding Americans from the worst consequences of their idiotic votes. Well, no more. I’m sick of it. This sh*t-for-brains country always has to learn the hard way! And by George, Palestinian Americans are going to feel the worst of the consequences — deservedly. Welcome to stupid America! You did this to yourselves!