A Zig Zag Presidency

Naturally, traitor trump is leadership by reversals, contradictions, and just-say-anything: “President Donald Trump on Thursday backed off his threat to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border, marking his second major climbdown this week. Talking to reporters in the White House, Trump said that he would instead give Mexico a ‘one-year warning’ to stop the flow of drugs into the United States and that he would first impose auto tariffs before closing the border.” At what point do the f***ing MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans in this country realize that traitor trump has no f***ing clue what he is doing? It’s all a Scheiße show and they love it! Just what this country needs is a reality show presidency. It is beyond incomprehensible, but what should I expect from a country of 44% stupid? Welcome to stupid America where auditions to be president begin during sweeps week on primetime TV. Stupid people everywhere; everywhere stupid people. Yeah, we’re f***ed!