All Evangelicals Are Vile People, No Exceptions

From The Atlantic, “The enthusiastic, uncritical embrace of President Trump by white evangelicals is among the most mind-blowing developments of the Trump era. How can a group that for decades—and especially during the Bill Clinton presidency—insisted that character counts and that personal integrity is an essential component of presidential leadership not only turn a blind eye to the ethical and moral transgressions of Donald Trump, but also constantly defend him? Why are those who have been on the vanguard of ‘family values’ so eager to give a man with a sordid personal and sexual history a mulligan?” All evangelicals are hateful, vile hypocrites, yet they have the most political power in the country because this is a f***ing G.D. trump stupid country that allowed it to happen. Welcome to the theocracy of stupid America! More tyranny by the minority over the majority. It’s going to get worse. Mark my words, morons!