America’s Pariah

From a headline on Axios: “Sanders vows to defeat ‘most dangerous president’ in history.” So, Bernie “Bros” and his supporters still have no clue just how anti-Semitic this country is at its core. Listen here, morons: if you think this country is racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc., then you haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to America’s anti-Semitism undercurrent. If he becomes the Democratic nominee, then he will absolutely lose because RepubliKKKlans will make his religion (which he doesn’t really practice) the centerpiece of an attack campaign, and it will work. There is no way idiot “Christians” (Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals) in this country will allow a Jew to head the government. Hell, they not-so-subtly accused Hillary of being a Jew (or being Jew-tolerant) when clearly she is not Jewish, but that didn’t stop them. Can you imagine the attacks on an actual Jew at the top of the ticket? Jews have been the pariah of Western civilization for 2000 years; this election cycle is not going to change that! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America!