
Mueller the Traitor

CNN reports, “The special counsel’s team has conveyed the notion that Mueller does not want to appear political after staying behind the scenes for two years and not speaking as he conducted his investigation into President Donald Trump. One option is to have him testify behind closed doors. But the notion that Mueller would only answer questions in private has become a sticking point, according to a source, as Democrats believe the public needs to hear directly from the special counsel.” I’ve said it once; I’ve said it twice; I’ve said it a dozen times: Mueller is a traitor that will not save this country. One would think a person who basically laid out a case that traitor trump is a criminal but couldn’t be prosecuted because of administrative rules would be willing and eager to testify. But no! I guess he is reluctant to see justice done. I guess he believes the president is above the law and that he should flout Congressional authority. Mueller, like the rest of them, is wasting time! Honestly, I am so f***ing sick and tired of House leadership cutting any of these witnesses slack. There is absolutely no reason to be negotiating with Mueller to testify. Send him a f***ing subpoena for f*** sake already. And why the f*** does he still work for the DOJ? Doesn’t he have a day job to return to at some point — soon? All RepubliKKKlans stick together no matter what the situation. Welcome to stupid America.


Elections Have Consequences

CNN: “‘The President of the United States owes farmers like myself some type of plan of action,’ John Wesley Boyd Jr., a soybean farmer in Baskerville, Virginia, told CNN’s Brianna Keilar on Monday. ‘Farmers were his base. They helped elect this president … and now he’s turning his back on America’s farmers when we need him the most,’ he added.” If only I could say that I cared!


My Two Cents on GoT

I have read the critical reviews and I say: eh! The finale could have been better, but there were a couple of poignant moments in the last episode such as Brienne immortalizing Jamie’s legacy as the hero who “Died protecting his Queen,” which realized both the flawed (irredeemable) character of Jamie and the fact that he could still be remembered nobly by someone who loved him nonetheless. Of course, another memorable scene is the last one in which Jon rides off into the same woods where the GoT journey began. I’ve always liked stories that come full circle in the end. One cannot help but feel the sadness and pain of the story’s greatest hero ultimately enduring the same punishment for being a bastard as for saving the seven kingdoms. I think this is a particularly salient takeaway that other critics neglected to recognize. Jon is the classic tragic hero. He is a Snow and will always be a Snow, thus banished to live among the Wildlings — those with whom he has always felt a kinship. In short, he is returning home in the end.

Now, as for all the other criticisms of the last season — the pace, the storytelling, the character misdevelopment, the narrative shortcutting and so forth. This is all true. Everything about this season was rushed and took the viewer for granted, sadly! Needless to say, most GoT followers are fairly savvy viewers (except those idiots signing a petition for a season 8 redo — OMG! — get a life) who understand and expect the complexity of the characters and the story. The decision to end the series when they did seemed to leave too much left to be told in too short a time. Conquering the White Walkers and deciding the new king of Westeros in one (shortened) season is just too much too quickly. I guess we will never know why there was such a rush, but the storytelling suffered in the end. It was always going to be difficult to top scenes like the Red Wedding or narratives like how Hordor got his name or when Cersei blows up the Great Sept. They kind of gave up in the end. I guess the writers and creators, alike, couldn’t wait to move on from this project.


An Official Kick Off?

OMG! A what? Axios reports, “Joe Biden is officially kicking off his 2020 campaign with a message about how President Trump is dividing the country on race, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation, according to his campaign.” This is why most people hate the perpetual election cycle and politicians. See, I would have thought when Biden announced he was running for president that would have been the “official kick-off,” which of course was just before the official leak to the official announcement. So, here we have another announcement for — wait for it … get excited about it — the official kick-off to the campaign to become the 2020 candidate for president. Ugh! Un-f***ing-believable. I suppose this is only slightly less ridiculous than the announcement to form an exploratory committee to consider the possibility of a campaign to announce a run for the presidency. This is just ridiculous stupidity. Get in and f***ing run to win. Stop with all the G.D. teasing and showmanship crap. We’ve got that in traitor trump already and we hate it. Enough! Welcome to stupid America. Home of shiny objects!


Why Do They Even Bother?

Axios reports, “Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) endorsed President Trump’s move to further tax Chinese goods, calling it ‘essential to keep China from continuing to kill our jobs.’” All RepubliKKKlans fall in line eventually!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Only in Stupid America: In One Chart

This Axios chart shows just how f***ing stupid people are; the article goes on to summarize, “President Trump is acting true to history. Every Republican president since Reagan has left office with a budget deficit higher than the one he inherited. Clinton and Obama, by contrast, left office with smaller deficits.” Seriously, it is beyond comprehension and infuriating that dumbass Democrats can never capitalize on such obvious differences. WTF?

Only in stupid America do stupid people keep electing RepubliKKKlans to be the party of “fiscal responsibility” to have them keep blowing up the budget deficit and national debt as a consequence. More proof that the RepubliKKKlan party is nothing more than the party of hypocrisy when it comes to their core beliefs. It’s un-f***ing-believable that time after time, election after election the RepubliKKKlan party runs as the fiscally conservative party, and the f***tards in this country continue to believe them when in reality it is the Democratic party that shows more fiscal responsibility. Jesus-f***ing-Christ in all of Heaven and on Earth! The RepubliKKKlan party has been one long 40-year con-job and most of America has fallen for it! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. I give up. I guess one can’t change f***ing G.D. stupid and all the MAGA morons that go with it. Welcome to stupid America!

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Call Me Cynical, But I’m Not Buying It

From CNN, “Michigan GOP Rep. Justin Amash said Saturday he had concluded President Donald Trump committed ‘impeachable conduct’ and accused Attorney General William Barr of intentionally misleading the public.” Um, yeah. Sorry, but I’m skeptical and I’m not buying it! Traitor trump wants an impeachment because he thinks it will help him (and it will). With Democratic leadership seemingly unwilling to do so, RepubliKKKlans need one of their own to seed the notion that impeachment is necessary and should not be delayed. I would not put it past them to contrive a situation that goads Democrats into impeachment proceedings. While they may be willing to sacrifice Amash publicly, they are cheering behind closed doors, hoping that Democrats will take the bait. RepubliKKKlans have always understood how to play the long game while Democrats are still trying to figure out the rules. Mark my words. Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats RepubliKKKlans


AOC wins bingo on Twitter: “What angers me about the GOP’s attempts to turn the United States into a far-right Christian theocracy is how dishonest they are about it. At least be forthright about your desire to subvert and dismantle our democracy into a creepy theological order led by a mad king.” She nailed the essence of the RepibliKKKlan party! They want a far-right Christian theocracy led by a king. Full stop. I make no apologies or any exceptions for this broad whitewashing of a party because it’s true. Every RepubliKKKlan has at least some desire for a party that wants more of their definition of control over people and less democracy. It is by definition and the nature of conservatism that attracts and drives people who choose to be affiliated with the RepubliKKKlan party. I am tired of dumbass Democrats holding people in the RepubliKKKlan party faultless for the company with whom they choose to associate. Dumbass Democrats usually qualify their criticism of the party as people misguided with good intentions or not understanding the subtleties of democracy (e.g., the need to compromise) or the importance of having an opposition of opinions and perspectives to help govern. Once again and always, dumbass Democrats fail to understand the true objectives of RepubliKKKlans.

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Traitor [T]rump Is the Smartest Moron in the Room

Axios reports, “Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said he will fight any federal plans that include ‘dumping’ hundreds of migrants in southern Florida from the U.S.-Mexico border — even if that means taking it to President Trump directly, reports the AP.” Does traitor trump really have any clue to what he’s doing? Seriously! What does he hope to accomplish? Anger RepubliKKKlan allies? I guess so. It’s funny how traitor trump thinks he’ll be punishing Democratic strongholds in Florida by “dumping” immigrants into their cities as if people will stay confined within Democrat’s “borders.” The only thing he’s going to accomplish is pissing off white people in Florida, who are uber sensitive to their whiteness and the brownness surrounding them. I can’t wait for them to realize that under traitor trump there seem to be even more brown people in their neighborhoods. One cannot make this Scheiße up, but this must be the plan to win re-election among his f***tard MAGA morons: he made things worse the first four years, so they better re-elect him to fix things in the next four. Welcome to stupid America!

International Indigestion Politics

A Stupid Country Stumbling Into War ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Politico reports, “Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against the mullahs in Tehran has exacerbated fissures between the two men over the tight control Bolton has tried to exert over the national security decision-making process — and introduced new ones over the direction of U.S. policy.” The shrugging shoulder is my new favorite emoji as it precisely emotes the general attitude of stupid, apathetic Americans who apparently have no clue about anything. While the administration sends mixed messages about how to handle Iran ranging from “let’s negotiate” to “let’s strike first” people are just humming along as if nothing is happening — the stock market bounces back, traitor trump’s approval job rating holds steady, and consumer confidence in the economy remains solid. Clearly, this is a stupid country that has no idea what’s happening in the world around them. (Go figure.) Hello, morons. There is much more that can go wrong than can go right with this escalation! People really should be concerned about this mess. Traitor trump has only shown a talent for destroying things, not fixing them. As usual, they will be concerned when it’s too late!

Make no mistake Bolton is intent on going to war with Iran and he will manipulate the situation to ensure that it happens. The analysis is rather straightforward in this case. Bolton is not as much of an idiot as everyone else in the administration, especially traitor trump. He understands how to easily manipulate the president’s ego. He doesn’t need traitor trump to act first; he just needs him to react. Bolton need only to keep turning up the heat hoping someone makes a mistake and then he knows traitor trump will never back down because the last thing the president wants is to come off as looking weak on the world stage. Right or wrong, once he feels committed then it’s all in.

Mark my words! In an administration in constant disarray and turmoil with a president that lacks intelligence and any real desire to do his job, stumbling into war is all the more probable. The only way things could change is if traitor trump fires Bolton in time.

And don’t think Congress is going to act as a bulwark against anything. I don’t give one G.D. f*** what Pelosi says about only the House can declare war. That hasn’t f***ing stopped any president from going to war since WWII. Congress has been incompetent to stop the war powers of the president, and frankly, they’d rather not have to vote on any such measure because they are weak. As usual, the president will go around Congress if necessary and Congress will do this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The last time a president started an illegal war –Bush II — Pelosi promptly dismissed persuing any Congressional actions against him when she came to power. In her stunning words, she said the country wanted to move on from Iraq (and apparently holding people accountable). Um! No! See, my new favorite emoji. Useful for any occasion.