Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Enough! F***ing Enough!

This is just stupid on steroids already! CNN headline reads: “New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announces 2020 presidential run.” This is exactly how the dumbass Democrats will fracture all of its support across dozens of senseless “candidates.” In the end, when someone is nominated as the Democratic candidate then all the supporters of these other candidates will cry sour grapes and vote for the other guy (traitor trump) because dumbass Democrats can’t get their f***ing act together to vote blue no matter who. That’s exactly what happened with Sanders, and it’s about to happen all over again. Welcome to stupid America where RepubliKKKlans win because they fall in line while dumbass Democrats fall for the same trick every f***ing time. Every time!


Truly a Nation Filled with F***tards

Politico writes, “The sudden pivot from geostrategy to retweets and likes surprised the lawmakers. It was a remarkable moment given that not long ago Scavino was managing Trump’s golf club. But for Scavino himself, it was just another day on the job. With few allies left in the West Wing, Trump frequently leans on his unassuming social media guru for affirmation and advice about how his most sensitive policies will be received, according to interviews with more than two dozen current and former White House officials, and others close to the president.” The incomprehensible stupidity of the country never ceases to amaze me. Idiot traitor trump measures the popularity of his domestic and foreign policies based on the number of retweets and likes on social media! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! This is the person 42% of the f***tards in this country think is doing a good job. Mind-blowing! Welcome to stupid America. It just is!

Dumbass Democrats RepubliKKKlans

The Red Scourge Is Here

Axios reports: “The most restrictive abortion laws in generations are currently spreading across America’s red states, setting up what could be a precedent-smashing Supreme Court challenge to the abortion status quo.” Congratu-f***ing-lations dumbass Democrats of America! This is what happens when a progressive but weak party always wants to play nice with RepubliKKKlans who only want one-party rule. Eventually, they will get it! I can no longer blame RepubliKKKlans for behaving as the vile people they are, but I am blaming dumbass Democrats for being pathetic and feckless against what has been a constant 40-year attack on this nation by RepubliKKKlans. Time after time it has been (and still is) dumbass Democrats rolling over. So, here we are with one state after another lining up to control women’s sexuality. Mostly old white men enact legislation that dictates to women how they should have no control over the consequences of their sexuality. Make no mistake, idiots. These anti-abortion bills are more about controlling women than it is about “preserving” life since many of these states also have the death penalty. To these RepubliKKKlan legislators, the two positions are completely consistent: they both punish the guilty for their actions. Get used to it. Conservatives tell us how we should live our lives. Welcome to stupid America. It’s the “oh-well” nation.

Dumbass Democrats RepubliKKKlans

Coathanger Abortions: Fine!

CNN reports, “Alabama sent the most restrictive abortion bill in the country to the governor’s desk Tuesday night, with the state’s Senate passing legislation that could punish doctors who perform abortions with life in prison.” Anyone who thinks Roe will not be overturned is a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest order! This is where dumbass Democrats failed time after time. They never focused on SCOTUS during elections. Whereas RepubliKKKlans hammered taking control of SCOTUS in every election, dumbass Democrats were complacent — as usual. So, here we are with RepubliKKKlans having finally won a majority of conservative justices on the court and Roe is just the first case in a long line of cases where RepubliKKKlans want to tell other people how to live, who to love, and what a person can or cannot do with their bodies. Mark my words, morons! We have not even imagined all the consequences yet. Elections have consequences, but progressives and liberals are too stupid to understand the most consequential impact of presidential elections: the justices a president can put on the Supreme Court of the United States. I have heard some pundits speculate that any one of these recent legislative attempts to get a case in front of SCOTUS may never happen; that such legislation would be overturned in the appellate courts and then SCOTUS would deny certiorari. Last I checked it only take four justices to decide to grant certiorari: “The Supreme Court has its own set of rules. According to these rules, four of the nine Justices must vote to accept a case.” Hello, morons! And last I checked there are five conservative justices and even if Roberts is reluctant to want to enter this briar patch of reviewing Roe, I don’t think he has much of a choice. I doubt he can effectively demand other justices to vote against taking up a case, especially one like this. There is no f***ing way the court will not accept hearing any case that challenges Roe as directly as Alabama’s legislation does.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Fine! Let it happen! This is the only way morons will be activated when the state dictates to a woman what health care she’s entitled to receive. (Don’t think contraception won’t be next.) When Roe is overturned then maybe women will march in the streets in numbers to actually make a difference, or maybe they’ll actually vote Democratic — consistently. One would think that dumbass Democrats could use Roe as the new rallying cry. I doubt it because they are weak — they have no idea how to weaponize a matter of passion.

Of course, this is more tyranny of the minority over the majority given a recent public opinion poll. Unfortunately, weak dumbass Democrats just take the abuse. Just for f***ing once I wish progressives would get angry enough to vote — there was a glimpse of it in the 2018 midterms — but they don’t generally; it’s just more passivity. It is literally the “oh-well” party!


Business Sense of an Amoeba

WOW! It is remarkable that this country literally gets dumber every day! Politico reports, “A majority, 54 percent, say they think Trump has been successful in business, the poll shows, while 36 percent say he has been unsuccessful. One in 10 voters say they have no opinion about his success.” I guess “successful” has a rather weak definition in people’s minds. Welcome to stupid America where a man who loses $1 Billion over ten years is considered successful.

Economics, Baby International Indigestion

Know-nothing Traitor [T]rump Says Something Stupid

The BBC reports, “Mr Trump said US consumers could avoid the tariffs by buying the same products from other sources. ‘Many tariffed companies will be leaving China for Vietnam and other such countries in Asia. That’s why China wants to make a deal so badly!’ he said.” Traitor trump really is that stupid! Apparently, he has no idea how consumers behave or how economics works, despite that he majored in economics at “the best business school.” How exactly does a consumer avoid tariffs (paying more) by purchasing the same product from other sources? First of all, in the vast majority of cases, a consumer has no selection options about where a product is produced on the self of any given store, especially in stores where price competition is a business’ primary strategic competitive advantage (e.g., Walmart). The reason why people shop at Walmart, The Dollar Store, and such places is that products from China are cheaper.

Second, even if a similar product was available from another source then economics dictates that the producer of that other product would also raise their price to match (or just below to slightly undercut competition) like products from China because they can — there is absolutely no economic disadvantage not to do so. This is a finer point of economics that is not really discussed. Artificially forcing the price up (via a tariff) on a product inherently provokes other producers to force up their prices on similar products as well because it is free revenue, so to speak. Consider shirts for example. Many are made in China and many elsewhere like Vietnam, India, or Bangladesh. If tariffs increase the average price of shirts made in China then producers in those other countries would also raise their price because if one needs a new shirt then one needs a new shirt. If consumers are “willing” to pay at most x dollars for a shirt made in China then there is no reason why other producers would not be willing to charge x dollars or local-x dollars as well. The total number of shirts purchased may decrease, but in the short-run the consumer losses all around.

Last, new industries, manufactures, and trade partners don’t pop up overnight. Any correction to a long term China trade war will take years to correct if it persists. Traitor trump is f***ing stupid to think trade wars are easy to win or without consequence, but this is stupid America. We have so many idiots here that maybe we should start exporting them!


Coming Attractions

Axios reports, “The now-ousted Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and ICE director Ron Vitiello put a stop to a secret White House plan to arrest up to 10,000 migrant parents and children in 10 major cities, the Washington Post reports, citing 7 current and former Department of Homeland Security officials.” This explains a lot. Make no mistake. Every illegal plan traitor trump devises will be put into place — eventually. It’s just a matter of removing roadblocks and putting sycophants into positions to make it happen. Mark my words, morons. This will be a policy initiated at a time when maximum distraction is needed. It’s that simple. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics Religion as Retardation RepubliKKKlans

Traitor [T]rump the War President

Fan-f***ing-tastic! From Axios, “The plan was reportedly presented during a meeting about the Trump administration’s broader Iran policy, attended — among others — by Bolton, CIA director Gina Haspel, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. It’s unclear if President Trump has been briefed on the details of the plan, which did not call for a land invasion of Iran, but requested a similar number of troops involved the U.S.’ 2003 invasion of Iraq, per the Times.” Normally, I would question the reaction of MAGA morons as the once proclaimed America first, isolationist traitor trump starts the drumbeat to war, but there is no need. I know the answer: we support the president! It is contradiction, hypocrisy, blind loyalty, and uber stupidity rolled into one. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans simply do not care. They don’t. Like Hitler demanding total and complete loyalty, so does traitor trump and his supporters give it to him without question. This is the essence of a very, very stupid society. These idiots wanted someone to break the world and now they have exactly what they desired. Most of these f***tards are literally hoping for the End Times — nothing like having international politics being dictated by religious extremist morons (e.g., ISIS and Evangelicals — yeah, there is no difference!). This is the tyranny of the minority over the majority at its best. Even if I were to give traitor trump the benefit of the doubt by granting the notion he does not want to go to war he is too stupid to realize he is stumbling into one until it’s too late. Welcome to stupid America! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people! It’s the End Times alright — the end of intelligent voters in America!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Moron See, Moron Do

From Politico, “Attorney General William Barr has appointed a U.S. attorney to examine the origins of the Russia investigation and determine if intelligence collection involving the Trump campaign.” It is actually happening. Traitor trump demands an investigation into the investigators and the AG does the bidding of traitor trump as retaliation. I fully expect the results of the “investigation” will be exactly what traitor trump wants because this democracy is slipping into a dictatorship — the rule of law is gone. If the f***tards in this country have not yet figured out that everyone in his administration does exactly what traitor trump wants then I don’t know what. Seriously, I keep hearing moron pundits cautioning that some RepubliKKKlans and institutionalists will stand up to traitor trump. Hello, f***ing G.D. morons! No! Read my f***ing lips: RepubliKKKlan and institutional resistance to traitor trump have completely gone; everyone in that party and working for the administration is there to serve the whims of traitor trump and serve him only! Welcome to stupid America where morons and nut-jobs run the country while everyone else does this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This is an “oh-well” country that gets “oh-well” results. As of today, traitor trump’s job approval rating on FiveThirtyEight is 42.4%. Pathetic!

MAGA Morons Politics

F***king Farmers

AP reports, “’Farmers I talk to, I’ve been surprised they’re supportive as they are, but I think it’s starting to wane,’ he said. ‘I’ve personally been very frustrated with it. I think it’s just a lack of a coherent plan.’” Therein lies the problem: lack of a coherent plan. Farmers helped to put traitor trump in office and I have no sympathy for them. In fact, I think they need to be the backbone that must break to help get traitor trump out of office. I have no idea what these idiots were thinking when they thought a businessman who declared several bankruptcies actually knew what he was doing in the business world, let alone international trade. So, here we are in a situation where MAGA moron f***tards elected an idiot as president and now farmers are suffering because like everything in traitor trump’s life he is winging it! Seriously! He wakes up each daying wondering what show he can put on for the morons of America and nothing more. It is that simple. The f***tard voters elected a reality star president and now we are suffering through his version of permanent sweeps week. Well, I say the farmers are not suffering enough! The only way they will withhold voting for traitor trump again is when they are too broke and demoralized to care. Welcome to stupid America!