AP reports, “’Farmers I talk to, I’ve been surprised they’re supportive as they are, but I think it’s starting to wane,’ he said. ‘I’ve personally been very frustrated with it. I think it’s just a lack of a coherent plan.’” Therein lies the problem: lack of a coherent plan. Farmers helped to put traitor trump in office and I have no sympathy for them. In fact, I think they need to be the backbone that must break to help get traitor trump out of office. I have no idea what these idiots were thinking when they thought a businessman who declared several bankruptcies actually knew what he was doing in the business world, let alone international trade. So, here we are in a situation where MAGA moron f***tards elected an idiot as president and now farmers are suffering because like everything in traitor trump’s life he is winging it! Seriously! He wakes up each daying wondering what show he can put on for the morons of America and nothing more. It is that simple. The f***tard voters elected a reality star president and now we are suffering through his version of permanent sweeps week. Well, I say the farmers are not suffering enough! The only way they will withhold voting for traitor trump again is when they are too broke and demoralized to care. Welcome to stupid America!
Author: admin
From Axios: “Some of President Trump’s supporters in Sioux City, Iowa love liberal populist proposals. They just don’t love the 2020 Democrats as the messengers.” More proof that in the end traitor trump voters are f***ing G.D. idiots. In short, the article in Axios just goes to prove that people vote for the bright shiny object despite the issues. It really is a demonstration that dumb people vote with their amygdala rather than their frontal lobe, which I assume was lobotomized or damaged at birth, diminishing their capacity to reason regardless — that is to say they are inherently stupid. So, these voters seem to understand — however weak that comprehension may be — what policies are better for them, but because the policies are embodied in a Democrat or women (e.g., “‘The presidency is a man’s job,'” said 44-year-old Jamison P.”) then they are automatically dissuaded. It is right up there with people liking key provisions of the ACA but hating Obamacare because they are too stupid to realize they are the same thing; because the latter is named after a black man then it must mean death panels.
The article goes on to say, “The economy was the issue that came up the most among this group when discussing their top concern heading into the 2020 presidential election. And although half of the respondents thought the national economy is booming, no one said they’ve seen an increase in their own wages or financial situation.” I suppose this is going to be the equivalent of a Democrat asking voters if their lives are any better off since traitor trump became president. I am sure that MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will collectively answer: no. Then collectively vote for traitor trump again because these idiots would rather be no better off and lead by a white guy than prosper rather than live in a prosperous country lead by a woman or some other minority. Make no mistake. The only reason Obama won is because of the worst financial crisis in 80 years. We are nowhere near to repeating that event, so it’s back to white male privilege protectionism and f*** the “coloreds” mentality!
Welcome to stupid America! We’re trapped in MAGA moron land and RepubliKKKlan stupidity; it is not going to change anytime soon. The country is drowning in stupidity!
Now, a Problem?
Axios reports, “Some farmers remain hopeful that a deal can be reached, but most have had to cut costs to cope — like going without health insurance, delaying equipment purchases and crop sales, and scaling down livestock operations.” I would never wish harm on someone, but I say good! Elections have consequences, morons. Do these idiot MAGA moron farmers actually believe traitor trump gives one G.D. about how the trade war with China hurts them? I mean seriously! Do they really? Are they that f***ing stupid? The only reason we’re in this mess is because traitor trump has something to prove about being tough, never mind the startegy, tactics, and collateral damage of it all. He’s had this grudge with China since the 1980s believing that somehow being tough on China’s trade will bring back the nostalgia of the 1950s.
Does anyone know what the last administration’s strategy was to deal with China’s trade power? Anyone? Anyone at all? It was TPP! The point of that trade agreement was to help contain China’s trade dominance by forcing them to conform to more fair trade practices, but no. RepubliKKKlans killed the TPP just in time for traitor trump to win office and make things even worse with Chins. So, I say fine. Let farmers go bankrupt. Let them go without health insurance. I give up. Seriously! The only way these MAGA morns will learn is when it’s too late, and I hope that moment is before the next election so they stay home — assuming they still have a home — instead of voting for traitor trump again. They certainly will never vote for the party (Democratic) that actually wants to help them, but this is classic cultural values outweighing everything else. I swear! These MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans would rather die than vote Democratic. Welcome to stupid America!
Have I mentioned lately that MAGA morons are really, really stupid people? Even if they support AOC, they are still f***ing G.D. idiots. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted this quote from a traitor trump supporter on her Twitter account, which proves my point precisely: “I’ve been saying for years that climate change is our most important crisis. You’re one of the only ones who’s been willing to be decisive on it. I like you. I can tell that you are genuine and fighting for us. You’re real and you get it.” I just love trying to dissect the inherent “logical” inconsistencies of traitor trump supporters’ arguments. So, if I understand this moron correctly, he willingly acknowledges climate change is “our most important crisis.” Keywords being most and crisis. What was (and still is) traitor trump’s belief on climate change while running for president? That is to say, what was his official position on the subject before someone who thinks it is a most important crisis voted for him anyway? Well, first, he claimed it was a Chinese hoax. Then he backed off the hoax idea (has he really backed off any hoax/conspiracy theory ideas?), yet traitor trump is still not sure if climate change is man-made or not, saying, “‘I think something’s happening. Something’s changing and it will change back again.’” In short, traitor trump takes a wait-and-see attitude toward this most important crisis, and this MAGA moron/AOC fan still voted for traitor trump. To be sure, this idiot voted for a climate change denier! I mean, one cannot make this Scheiße up. This is a full-on demonstration of stupid people being allowed to vote, and we wonder why things are so f***ed up. Seriously!
Then there is the rest of this person’s comment, specifically the part about AOC being “genuine and fighting for us.” Again, it begs the question, Did MAGA moron voters witness the same presidential campaign as did every other Hillary voter? The inference is that this MAGA moron sees the same genuineness and “fighting for us” attitude in traitor trump as in AOC. I have no idea where to begin to reconcile this level of cognitive dissonance. I guess I’ll start with the obvious question. At what point does a person who campaigns on the following seem like a man of and for the people? Traitor trump brags about not paying taxes, which means the little guy has to pick up the shortfall. He brags about stiffing contractors, which means he screws the small businessman. He brags about how smart he is to use bankruptcy several times to solve his business problems (because he’s an idiot), which means he’s screwed over many people (contractors, investors, creditors) many times because they eat the loss and no doubt those losses are always covered at some point by the lowest level of the food chain: us! He claims to be charitable but really never gives. He created a fake university to scam the average person into believing they could be the next real estate mogul. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked a real job in his life. Does any of this sound like a person who understands “us”? Un-f***ing-believable. Yet, MAGA morons and apparently at least one AOC supporter believes traitor trump is for them. Welcome to stupid America! It’s just as dumb as one imagined it would be.
The Mueller Effect
Politico reports, “President Donald Trump told POLITICO on Friday that it would be ‘appropriate’ for him to speak to Attorney General Bill Barr about launching an investigation into his potential 2020 rival, Joe Biden, or his son, Hunter.” This is the ultimate consequence of traitor Mueller’s failure to do the right thing with traitor trump. Now the idiot-in-chief is completely unbounded to do whatever he wants to interfere and taint the upcoming presidential election. Traitor trump understands that all he needs to do is muddy up the waters by any means necessary and the morons of America will be too confused and complacent to bother voting, and when that happens he will win. I’m telling all the f***tards out there. This is the game plan: continue to make politics dirty and untrustworthy to turn off voters and then he wins by default as stupid voters scratch their heads in indifference and wonder why we keep getting stuck with the worst president possible. Welcome to stupid America! It is the land of the minority ruling over the majority. If one really wants to understand why this country is constantly in f***ed up mode then look in the m*****f***ing mirror. I’m tired!
Fireworks, Really?!?!
CNN reports, “President Donald Trump has laid tentative plans to upend the traditional Fourth of July celebrations in Washington, moving the fireworks show from the National Mall and perhaps including an address from the President himself, The Washington Post reported Friday.” This! This is a subject matter in which traitor trump absorbs himself? Traitor trump can’t be bothered with the details necessary to conduct domestic policy, international diplomacy, and trade, but when it comes to a fireworks show then he’s all in. Congratulations MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans for electing a president that worries more about the Fourth of July fireworks show than doing his day job. He fixates on the trivial because he is a moron and all of his supporters are also morons. Give the idiot masses a good (patriotic!) show and they’ll forget how f***ed their lives are while reminding them how those “brown” immigrant people are taking their jobs, killing their babies, raping their daughters, and slapping that piece of bread out of their hand to eat! Welcome to stupid America — dumber today than it was yesterday!
Of Course, It Is
From a USA Today headline: “Trump job approval surges to highest level since first month in office, RCP average finds.” M*****f***er! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! It is difficult to wake up to such a headline and wonder how this country still functions with so many f***ing G.D. stupid people doing apparently anything from driving (which does explain just about everything I see on the road) to waiting on people to managing a store to cutting hair and the list goes continues. Now I’m regretting having removed another prediction from the webpage which conjectured traitor trump’s approval rating would cross above 50% after the Mueller report fizzle. I suppose that I was too impatient for it not to come true, but it is headed that way after all.
I assume his approval rating continues to climb because “the economy stupid.” Welcome to stupid America! We only collectively care about the economy here. As long as people have “theirs” then it’s f*** the rest of humanity! Just a f***ing wonderful Zeitgeist for the country by which to live. Traitor trump is the embodiment of this immoral ethos.
The Biden Inequality
From CNN, “Joe Biden once spoke about jailing employers who hire ‘illegals,’ said sanctuary cities shouldn’t be allowed to violate federal law, and argued a fence was needed stop ‘tons’ of drugs coming into the country from ‘corrupt Mexico.’” What does one do when Biden is RepubliKKKlan light? As long as this holds true for his policies then I’m still all in: Democrat < Biden < RepubliKKKlan.
10 of 10 Stupid
CNN reports: “‘Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind,’ Trump tweeted.” Un-f***ing-believable! This man is so f***ing stupid it defies all comprehension. First, as usual, he’s wrong about how tariffs work. They are in most cases a tax on the consumer in the end. Taxes are generally considered a necessary obligation that, nonetheless, erodes individuals’ wealth. Second, the logic of his tweet begs the question, Why even bother with a trade deal if tariffs are the “best” solution? He’s so f***ing G.D. stupid! He literally tweeted an argument that suggests making a deal is actually the worst deal to make. Naturally, non-idiots understand this inherent contradiction, but I have no doubt MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans think he’s a f***ing stable genius as his farming supporters, for example, go bankrupt. Welcome to stupid America where idiots love the idiot-in-chief.
Politico provides the finally compelling argument for me: “Judges have repeatedly ruled that Congress has a greater claim to sensitive government documents and personal information when it can point to an ongoing legal matter, instead of just a congressional investigation or legislative debate. And impeachment would give lawmakers that legal matter — the process is essentially a court procedure run by Congress where the House brings charges and the Senate holds the trial.” My primary argument for not impeaching was that traitor trump will never be convicted in the Senate and it will only make him stronger, which is all still true; however, at the same time, I’ve already conceded traitor trump is going to win re-election. So, in short, there is absolutely no good reason not to impeach; it is the necessary process which history must preserve and give an account.
If this democracy is going to fail then there must at least be a record of good trying to triumph over evil. Let dumbass Democrats in the House assert their final gasp of power while they can. They’ve been weak for decades, which lead to this point where a minority party (RepubliKKKlans) controls just enough of the government and judiciary to permanently solidify power. None of this matters anymore. We have turned the page on democracy. It is now 42% of the population dictating how the rest of the country should live and function because the majority is too stupid and apathetic to care. Twice in two decades, the Democratic presidential nominee won the majority of popular votes yet a RepubliKKKlan became president. Then there is this collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and in both these cases, the country was taken into radically different directions — from 9/11, illegal war with Iraq, and the Great Recession to ignoring climate change, trade wars, and condoning foreign election tampering to win at all costs. Welcome to stupid America!