OMG! From CNN: “‘I’m just thinking of that scripture that says bless and do not curse,’ Buttigieg, who has been open about his Episcopalian faith, said after one of the interruptions.” Yup, that’s right. It’s more religious stupidity crap on both sides. Religious haters hate because let’s be honest that’s what religion teaches in practice, and if people don’t pick up on that teaching then it’s the other side, which is roll over and die, essentially. Religion is for weak people. I’m starting to wish Buttigieg just goes back to Indiana, and I’m taking him off my predictions list because I’m over him. I don’t want a weak gay president. That’s all the LGBTQ community needs is a person living up to the weakness of a feckless “feminine” gay who wonders why we just can’t all get along (with prayer). F*** that!
Author: admin
Finally a Nickname
Politico reports, “Joe Biden on Saturday referred to President Donald Trump as a ‘clown’ after a supporter asked the former vice president whether he would return Trump’s insults.” Finally, a Democratic candidate that is at least willing to say something. While name calling is jejune, unfortunately, it is entirely at the level of stupid America. If people haven’t figured out by now traitor trump speaks stupid America better than anyone then I don’t know what to say, except welcome to stupid America. While everyone rolled their eyes each time traitor trump gave an opponent a new nickname his strategy worked. Never underestimate the average voter to condone such puerile behavior in their leader. I think Biden is wrong on the point about keeping the arguments clean; with traitor trump you need to get down in the mud a little bit. God love her, but Michelle Obama’s “they go low, we go high” attitude is precisely why dumbass Democrats are perceived as being so f***ing weak. Without some sort of retort, they come across as rolling over and simply taking whatever the abuse. For fear of what? Fighting back? God forbid dumbass Democrats dish out what they receive in return. Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats are as weak as usual.
Good Riddance — Full Stop!
The headline to a CNN opinion piece reads thus: “Good riddance to Milo, Jones and Farrakhan. But the Facebook ban offers a false sense of security.” While the author, S.E. Cupp, correctly acknowledges this is not an issue about censorship, I have heard many other raise consternation about corporate censorship of this sort. They couch their caution about Facebook’s decision to censor certain speech as if it infringes on the “public square.” Let me make something clear about corporate censorship: it is perfectly legal! This is not government censorship, which is unconstitutional and something other critics seem to forget. This notion that Facebook has somehow become the new forum for public debate is f***ing ridiculous! It is amazing how others are so willing and ready to elevate Facebook to the new street corner. It is not. Last I checked the street corner is not in the business of making a profit (unless a hooker occupies it). Last I checked the street corner is maintained, policed, and indeed brought into existence by the collective will of the public (aka the government). Facebook is not the collective will of the public; it may be the collective repository of expression of the public. Otherwise, it is the collective will of management (i.e., Zuckerberg). Un-f***ing-believable.
CNN reports: “‘Your Democrat governor here in Wisconsin, shockingly, stated that he will veto legislation that protects Wisconsin babies born alive,’ Trump said. ‘The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.’” One would think everybody who hears this non-sense says or thinks, WTF?
Yet sure enough, traitor trump says such things because idiots out there believe him. How do I know, because such an idiot who cuts my hair repeated this same anecdote to me. (I don’t know how we got on this topic but we did.) Sure as Scheiße she (incorrectly) described the Wisconsin legislation in question that would allow, as traitor trump states, the mother to terminate a baby after delivery as a form of legalizing late-term abortions. She went further to explain how this legislation would allow a mother giving birth to decide to terminate the baby as she was delivering it as if such a mercurial decision could be considered earnest and ubiquitous. No doubt she probably found this “news” on Facebook because that’s where most morons seem to go for “facts” or “alternative facts” in RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron speak. In fact, the legislation addresses a very rare and specific situation in which a mother is allowed to make the equivalent to a DNR decision. This is not legalizing smothering a baby after birth as anti-abortion people would like to believe. One cannot make up the level of stupidity that resides apparently — everywhere! Needless to say, I was rather incredulous about such obvious B.S. Once again, these type of people like to conflate everything regarding babies with abortions. No matter the legislation, the circumstances, or the story, if there is a baby, a womb, and a doctor involved then it must be something pro-abortion because rational thought stops at the first synaptic impulse for these morons. Welcome to stupid America. It is literally everywhere!
KFC F***ing Crazy
Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. Why are dumbass Democrats so f***ing G.D. pathetic? USA Today reports, “Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., brought a bucket of KFC fried chicken and a ceramic chicken to the hearing.” Seriously?!?! This is why m*****f***ing dumbass Democrats f***ing lose! This was a stupid f***ing stunt and just looked weak — exactly the thing at which dumbass Democrats excel. Instead of being stupid perhaps the dumbass Democrats can stop giving so many chances to RepubliKKKlans to refuse Congressional requests and just start subpoenaing everybody and use their inherent contempt power (“The Supreme Court said in 1821 that Congress has ‘inherent authority’ to arrest and detain recalcitrant witnesses.”) to f***ing jail them even if they have to build cells in the basement of the Congress. This is so f***ing stupid! Pathetic! Weak! Morons! Incapable of using their power! Nice guys finish last! Welcome to stupid America where the strongest thing dumbass Democrats can muster is to mock the AG by eating KFC.
Allow me to game out any impending Mueller testimony for the dumbass Democrats hoping that he will save the day — just like he saved the day by recommending prosecuting traitor trump. He will do nothing more than what Barr did during his Senate testimony yesterday. Mueller is not going to testify above and beyond what he wrote in the report, which means he is not going to speculate about any other situation or circumstance. He is not going to hypothesize what if’s and how about’s. He’s not going to reveal what’s behind the redactions. Although, dumbass Democrats should still try. So, when dumbass Democrats forget to ask Mueller the following most important question: but for traitor trump being the president would you have prosecuted? He will decline to answer because it is a hypothetical question and giving an answer would unfairly impugn the president. At least he’ll be on record for posterity if that sort of thing matters to him. I’m telling the Democratic morons, all these RepiubliKKKlans stick together. Mueller will downplay any disagreements with Barr as legal philosophical differences and disagreement of opinions on how to have managed certain aspects of releasing the Mueller report. Dumbass Democrats are going to be extremely disappointed.
I was actually gung ho for Mueller to testify immediately, but after the Barr Scheiße-show, it is painfully obvious that the little DOJ soldiers will follow their AG leader, and RepubliKKKlans will help obfuscate any testimony so that nothing will be clear. Not to mention that most dumbass Democrats are the worst f***ing interviewers ever! F***ing seriously! They very rarely can land a definitive punch with their questions. They seem to aimlessly query hoping for an answer they like without any regard to a strategy. They only have five minutes to make a point. It is clear, however, which Congressperson is a lawyer. For example, Harris in her questioning of Barr was focused, methodical, and purposeful. Consequentially, she uncovered that Barr failed to examine the underlying evidence in his decision not to prosecute the president; that traitor trump very probably asked Barr to investigate his political enemies; that a biased and conflicted Barr will remain to oversee the other 14 cases involving traitor trump. Hirono did call out Barr for lying to Congress. That was a successful and appropriate attack! Some Democrats have f***ing balls for once!
Welcome to stupid America. We are full into an imperial presidency with a traitor at the helm. Congratulations America for being this stupid. It takes some real talent!
Mark My Words!
Traitor trump will be re-elected as CNN reports, “Trump’s previous high mark in CNN polling on handling the economy came in March 2017 when 55% approved. Since then, he’s edged above 50% four times, but this is the first time it’s been meaningfully over the 50% line.” Welcome to stupid America!
Fine! Let It Happen!
According to Axios, “Alabama passes law banning most abortions, eyes Roe V Wade challenge.” I say fine! Let it happen already! Let SCOTUS overturn Roe because apparently people are too stupid to properly estimate the consequences of their vote. The Supreme Court has been hanging in the balance for years and now it has finally flipped conservative on all issues, especially on matters of personal liberty, which just for clarification means conservatives don’t want women to have free choice over their bodies — but anyone can own an arsenal of weapons without question because that right is important and necessary to protect. Let SCOTUS start peeling away individuals’ protections against discrimination and the right to make their own medical decisions. Perhaps then people will be shocked enough into caring about their votes — doubtful. Welcome to stupid America!
The Guardian reports, “However, government sources suggested that although no final decision had been made, a request [to have traitor trump address Parliment] was unlikely to be put forward on this occasion because it would probably be turned down and could potentially embarrass the Queen.” I don’t know why HRH would feel the need to extend an official state visit at this point in the traitor’s term of office. We can do without adding more legitimacy to the traitor-in-chief via an “official” visit to royalty. Ugh! I can’t wait for the f***tard to embarrass himself and our country in the process. Didn’t he falsely claim he was early and waiting on the Queen last time? Although he was on time, as my great aunt used to say: “If you’re on time, then you’re late.” Nevermind that, but to have the insolence to say the Queen made him wait is beyond stupid. Yeah! Like the Queen is ever late. This is stupid America, though!
Axios states, “In a rebuke to Attorney General William Barr, special counsel Robert Mueller sent a letter last month stating that Barr’s 4-page summary to Congress on the sweeping Russia investigation failed to ‘fully capture the context, nature, and substance’ of Mueller’s work and conclusions, the Washington Post reports, citing a copy of the letter it obtained. … DOJ officials told the Post that Muller said that news coverage of the obstruction probe was erroneous, and that the public failed to get an accurate understanding of his work.” Now I’m even more convinced that Mueller is a traitor RepubliKKKlan. So, even after Mueller expresses what amounts to “thoughts and prayers” of concern over Barr’s clear attempt to cover up the severity of the investigation to protect traitor trump, Mueller has not offered to testify before Congress. In fact, as of today Mueller still technically works for the DOJ. I guess he enjoys the protection of the executive branch of government, which is preventing him from testifying. Yeah, Mueller sure is in a hurry to set the record straight before the American public. Mueller should not have to be dragged to Congress to testify. Welcome to stupid America!