MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Stupidity Comes Home to Roost

Listening to this MAGA moron underscores the pure stupidity the country is up against as he confesses to regretting his vote for traitor trump because a liar lied — silence. At one point the caller argues that he voted for traitor trump to shake up the Washington elite because in the last 40 years the six presidents have represented the interests of big business and the wealthy, presumably to the detriment of the middle class (e.g., the mid-west states), which I might add is a very fair point; however, it is utter, complete, and abject stupidity to think that electing an entitled billionaire (an elite) who has a known history of being a crook is going to help the average Joe. I can’t! I just can’t f***ing take the level of stupidity in this country anymore. It’s astonishing that this self-proclaimed RepubliKKKlan caller, on the one hand, decries politicians for favoring the wealthy and corporations while, on the other hand, voting exactly for that type of person to be president, and then he is shocked — shocked I tell you! — that traitor trump lied to him about making America great again because after two years he is no better off. Wow! I mean wow!

But there is more irony. The guy is a diabetic and complained about paying nearly $400 a month for his medication to which the CSPAN host queried if health care was a top concern for him in the coming election. He replied — wait for it, wait for it — he replied that health care is a top issue for human beings. Either this RepubliKKKlan did not get the talking points memo regarding health care or he’s just as dumb as they come, which I suppose is merely average for any RepubliKKKlan. Once again, more proof that idiots vote against their own self-interests; only RepubliKKKlans have time after time tried to repeal and replace the ACA (with nothing). Democrats have been the only ones at least trying to make health care less costly and more equitable for everyone.

Finally, the call ends with this “old fashioned” RepubliKKKlan claiming that he would vote for Bernie Sanders because he’s the only one for the people! What the m*****f***ing hell is he talking about? The inference to be drawn here is that RepubliKKKlans used to be. Un-f***ing-believable. He probably voted for Romney, no doubt, despite that presidential candidate claiming “corporations are people, my friends” because, of course, RepubliKKKlans have always been for the little guy! Welcome to stupid America! It’s just pure stupidity here!


Chairs on the Titanic

Politico reports: “Whether morale in Trump’s beleaguered White House can really be improved is another question. Occasional happy hours don’t change the reality of a short-tempered president in the Oval Office, who often makes policy decisions on-the-fly. Trump has not dropped his penchant for snapping at aides — sometimes including Mulvaney, as Trump did during the government shutdown.” Seriously?!?! How the f*** does a person actually believe he or she can improve workplace morale when the boss (traitor trump) wants chaos and employees working in fear and suspicion at all times? Welcome to stupid America where morons voted for a president to bring chaos to the White House and government, and we got exactly that!

Dumbass Democrats

We Shall See

I hope this Democrat is for real, according to CNN: “Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly on Thursday threatened jail time for White House officials who are declining to comply with congressional committees’ efforts to conduct oversight of President Donald Trump’s administration.” This would be great if dumbass Democrats actually follow through, but they are weak and scared by nature. Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats bark a lot but have no bite! Mark my words!


Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth, Hand for Hand, Foot for Foot

CNN reports, “In his five short years, Andrew ‘AJ’ Freund endured more trauma than any child should.” Yes, we’re all thinking the same thing about the perpetrator.

Politics RepubliKKKlans

What Else Is New — Again?

Politico reports, “But a host of Defense Department veterans, including some who have worked for the current administration, assert that the lack of permanent, Senate-confirmed civilian overseers is taking its toll on the Pentagon’s ability to operate effectively — from delaying policy reviews to undercutting Pentagon officials in administration debates.” As usual, RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy is on full display here. I thought the RepubliKKKlan party was supposed to be for the military, and here we have traitor trump’s incompetence harming the very institution RepubliKKKlans claim Democrats don’t care about. Then there is this: “President Donald Trump has long touted the advantages of his 2017 tax reform bill, but Republicans are now under fire for one of the bill’s overlooked consequences: A huge hit for families of fallen service members.”

Nonetheless, I’m sure military voters will still vote for RepubliKKKlans because, hey, people routinely vote against their our own self-interests, and RepubliKKKlans are stupid enough to do it — every time. No doubt, traitor trump will take every opportunity to lie to his constituents about how great he’s making the military, and they will believe him and reflexively cheer. Welcome to stupid America where stupid people vote for other stupid people.

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

The NRA Is a Terrorist Organization

This is laughable: “NRA insiders and longtime observers describe an organization at war with itself over a central question: Has it strayed too far from its original mission of gun safety and outdoor shooting sports and become too political?” Sorry, morons but any organization that mobilizes to oppose (and win against) universal background checks after the Sandy Hook massacre is a terrorist organization, and anyone still in the NRA after that point is a terrorist enabler and sympathizer, if not an actual terrorist. Full f***ing stop! End of argument. And by association RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are equally culpable for supporting a domestic terrorist organization. Welcome to stupid America where terrorists can only be foreigners while NRA members are “patriots.”

Dumbass Democrats Politics

Waiting for Dumbass Democrats to Cave

I can’t wait for this showdown! I can say with great confidence that dumbass Democrats will do nothing serious. Fan-f****ing-tanstic. While traitor trump remains strong and defies Congress at every turn, dumbass Democrats will refuse to use their inherent contempt power because they are weak. The only way people in this administration will talk is if they are sent to jail, but like the Axios article states that hasn’t happened in a 100 years, and I don’t see dumbass Democrats being that strong. This is why people hate Democrats because at least traitor trump is a fighter. Welcome to stupid America where nothing really changes.


Yeah, Americans Don’t Care

A report from CNN begins: “The Mueller report may be consuming Washington — but it barely registers for vulnerable Democrats meeting voters outside the Beltway.” It is simply incomprehensible to me. I should have never removed one of my current predictions that said the Mueller report would be released to a thud because, as it turns out, I was right. This is not the only news article to indicate that people generally have no interest in the Mueller report. Oh, I see. So, Americans really don’t care that the person at the head of our government is a criminal at worst or a lying, crooked moron at best. Un-f***ing-believable. No wonder this country is a f***ed up mess. People don’t care who gets elected. Welcome to stupid f***ing America. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Complete and Utter Stupidity

From CNN, “Trump says he’ll turn to Supreme Court if Congress begins impeachment.” This is a mixture of traitor trump just not knowing anything — at all– about his job or government and his followers being equally stupid for not knowing any better. Just to be clear: the courts have absolutely no prerogative regarding impeachment proceedings. (Judges themselves can be impeached.) The Constitution dictates that an impeachment, by its very nature, is not a judicial process; rather, it is a political one. It is the ultimate check enforced by those representatives closest to the people (which is why impeachment starts in the House) over others who have never been elected to an office (e.g., judges) or someone in office that is between elections (in other words, the people can’t wait to vote the person out of office because what he or she did is so offensive to the Constitution). In short, it is the get-the-f***-out-of-town card!

I just f***ing can’t anymore. I can’t take the utter and complete stupidity of the person at the head of this government that knows nothing about how the government works. Moreover, I can’t take the citizenry of a country that doesn’t understand how their own government works. Instead, they just listen to the orange man as if he is speaking the gospel while they scream “brown people are everywhere” and “wall!” Welcome to stupid f***ing America — don’t bother, the country is lost!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Facebook for F***tards

This is a good reminder from Reuters: “Facebook says 126 million Americans may have seen Russia-linked political posts.” I can very truthfully say I am not one of those people because I’m not a f***ing G.D. idiot! Social media has made this country dumber. Period! Congratulations to Russia because they figured out that stupid Americans can be so easily persuaded by reading something on Facebook or with a hashtag. Hello, morons! Facebook or Twitter or Instagram is not where one goes to make fully informed decisions about politics! This is the level of stupidity to which America has descended, especially old people who should not be using technology at any rate because let’s face it: they have lost some of their facilities, and if they are RepubliKKKlans or MAGA morons then they didn’t have much from the beginning anyways. Welcome to stupid America where Facebook tells people what to think instead of using their brains!