From Politico, “Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said Saturday if he had won his Texas Senate race against incumbent Ted Cruz he might not be ‘in Waterloo and Keokuk and all the other communities I’ve been in to run for president.’” Oh, so when Beto said, “‘Man, I’m just born to be in it,’” then he really meant it conditionally. That is to say, he is running because he has nothing better to do. God! I hope dumbass Democrats really understand this empty vessel they are backing. Only in stupid America do idiot Democrats get excited about someone who almost won. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America.
Author: admin
We Can Do Better
From Politico, “Sen. Bernie Sanders cut his head on a glass shower door on Friday morning and received seven stitches, his campaign announced.” Ugh! I’m assuming he slipped and banged his head like normal younger Americans. I think idiots will draw the wrong conclusion from this event,
This kid is assume!
Make no mistake! The rise in these white nationalist terrorist attacks (around the world) is directly inspired, condoned, and, indeed, relished by MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and traitor trump. People who fail to identify the nexus among all these factions and white supremacy are f***ing G.D. morons. When these idiots of society condemn such actions they don’t mean it–their words are weak platitudes (e.g., “thoughts and prayers” from horse face Sarah Hucka-Hucka-Huckabee Sanders,
American MSM is a bit to blame in all this as well; that is to say, how they treat the coverage of these tragedies is to blame. One thing I noticed in following the coverage of the New Zealand massacre was the quickness of their law enforcement to state the blindingly obvious: the attack was a terror attack by
This is a country held hostage by the false illusions of unfettered capitalism. If slavery is America’s original sin then American-style capitalism is the second. Hello, morons of America! There is a relationship among current economic inequality, conservative’s antagonism of the white man’s status in society, and white nationalism. OMG! Am I the only one to understand this!?!?
Unidiomatic Idiot Speak
An unbelievable headline from CNBC: “Trump tweets his ‘warmest sympathy’ over New Zealand mosque massacre.” This man along with all of his MAGA supporters and RepubliKKKlans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest order! Seriously! The stupidity that emanates from traitor trump’s thumbs is mindblowing. Who the f*** sends out “warm sympathy” as a condolence to a terrorist attack? What moron speaks like this? Oh, yeah. Moron traitor trump does. “Deepest sympathy” is more idiomatic for the English language, but this is stupid America where stupid people elected an idiot president who speaks and thinks like he’s in third grade–a whole grade ahead of his supporters, in fact! F*** me! I live in hell!
According to CNN, “Kim was puzzled by what she [Vice Foreign Minister of North Korea] called the ‘eccentric’ negotiation position of the U.S. She suggested that while Trump was more willing to talk, an atmosphere of hostility and mistrust was created by the uncompromising demands of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton. She said statements by senior Trump advisers since the summit have further worsened the climate.” I guess traitor trump will be getting a new Secretary of State and National Security Adviser soon.
Lock the Doors!
From a BBC headline, “Brexit: MPs reject Theresa May’s deal for a second time.” I’m actually hoping for a hard Brexit because nobody ever seems to learn the lesson that elections have consequences (domestically or internationally). The idiots of Great Britain somehow thought that withdrawing from the second largest economic block (the European Union) in the world after 45 years was a good idea or going to be easy. Even then Great Britain still had some special privileges within the EU, for example keeping the British Pound as its currency. So, the crazy racist and xenophobic right of Great Britain hijacked the Brexit narrative to get the win they wanted, and the government is sticking to it despite recent opinion polls indicating people would rather remain. After two years of a chaotic process that has ultimately lead to only more uncertainty, Britons are having second thoughts, but the government persists with carrying out the will of the people that is two years old on a critically important subject. I guess they should have thought harder on the consequences of their vote beforehand.
Beto Is In
Dumbass Democrats at their best. A wealthy unemployed U.S. Congressman who lost his last election bid is now running for president. I guess dumbass Democrats can be (on rare occasion) just as stupid as MAGA morons. Welcome to stupid America! It’s everywhere!
According to a Bloomberg article, “‘Capitalism is an ideology of capital–the most important thing is the concentration of capital and to seek and maximize profit,’ Ocasio-Cortez said. And that comes at any cost to people and to the environment, she said, ‘so to me capitalism is irredeemable.’ Though she said she doesn’t think all parts of capitalism should be abandoned, ‘we’re reckoning with the consequences of putting profit above everything else in society. And what that means is people can’t afford to live. For me, it’s a question of priorities and right now I don’t think our model is sustainable.’” I understand why RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons deride AOC because she is fearless and usually more right than wrong.
Capitalism 101: What is the ultimate goal of a capitalistic system? To what do individuals (people and firms) aspire in capitalism? Anyone? Anyone at all? Hint: a famous board game was created based on it. I realize that I am back in remedial 090-level college thinking for most Americans. The correct answer is a monopoly. In theory, free and fair markets should always be in direct competition, and the ability for everyone and anyone to be competitive according to their endeavors and industriousness should keep any one individual (or firm) from monopolizing. This is supposed to be the theory, at least! Clearly, we live in a different reality. Individuals and firms all too often do achieve monopolistic competitive advantages when markets are not well regulated — and even when they are. In short, our society thrives and prides itself on amassing more wealth (capital) than the other person. In some sort of demented fascination with wealth, stupid America admires and aspires to be like billionaires and mega-monopolies at the expense of others and, ironically, at their own expense. We are a society bent on self-centered greed, and capitalism is the perfect rat-race vehicle to achieve such aims because everyone thinks they will be the next Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. Everyone thinks they are the exception to the rule, not realizing American capitalism is doing more to keep them poorer than make them richer. This country relishes and rewards the zero-sum game. This is why the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer; this is why people want politicians to keep their hands off their capitalism, despite capitalism more generally failing them, and they are clueless as to why. But this is stupid f***ing America!
Capitalism can be saved, however. Democrats try to save it every 4-8 years, yet they are usually feckless attempts. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons ensure that America’s version of capitalism remains unfair and unbalanced. Conservatives want the average American angry, fighting amongst each other for scraps of the American dream, and fearful that a poor person is coming to grab that piece of bread from their hands, while RepubliKKKlans give more tax breaks to billionaires and corporations. RepubliKKKlans have the average American moron convinced that sh*t somehow rolls uphill. It’s not the rich and powerful making one’s life miserable and more difficult; it must be the fault of the poor and powerless beneath them. Welcome to stupid America, where voting against one’s own self-interest is raised to an art form that even Adam Smith would find astonishing!
From an Axios article, “‘When we think about the greatest things we have ever accomplished as a society have been ambitious acts of vision, and the “meh” is just worshipped now, for what?’” Well, somebody keeps nailing it! Her statement reminds me of the Apollo missions to the moon. Can anyone tell me why President Kennedy challenged the nation to go to the moon (and we accepted the challenge)? Anyone? Anyone at all? Why was this crazy and impossible vision so important to the U.S. that even after Kennedy’s death America preserved to be the first nation to put a man on the moon? Was there gold on the moon? Diamonds? Maybe a place to build a space base? Clearly, the purpose of the mission was not for wealth or national defense and certainly not for a profit. In the words of Kennedy, “We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.” (Yet MAGA morons think traitor trump speaks English “good”; well at least he doesn’t say “
Now fast forward nearly 60 years since those words were spoken and we land in stupid f***ing America where being bold and aiming for the highest ideals is too hard for dumbass Democrats. Aspirations like the Green New Deal is not practical, just like going to the moon was not practical. RepubliKKKlans hate such lofty ideas because, well, they’re f***ing morons, while “meh” Democrats are not too far behind. Yup, let’s just keep doing nothing because it’s easy. Instead, traitor trump is the “pride” of America! F*** me! God! We are a pathetic country! Welcome to stupid f***ing America!