According to Cohen’s written testimony, “He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat.” Sadly, none of this matters. People who knew this already do not support traitor trump anyway, while those MAGA morons who love him are just as stupid and as much of a racist as he is. Actually, correction: A con artist must be at least slightly smarter than the people he’s trying to con, so in this sense, traitor trump must look like a real (stable) genius to his supporters. Welcome to stupid America!
Author: admin
Vile People
Why do the most vile people in the world live so long?
N.K. Summit Part Deux
From CNN, “But expectations are low, and the US has appeared to abandon an earlier request that the second summit result [sic] in North Korea agreeing to provide a full accounting of its nuclear program. Inside the White House, some advisers have privately raised concerns that Trump could offer too much to Kim at the summit, which he insisted upon after his first meeting in June garnered widespread media attention.” Traitor trump is a f***ing moron! And all this time, I thought North Korea was no longer a threat to the U.S.A., according to traitor trump. Kim Jong Un is going to play him like a fool again this time just like he did last time as traitor trump gives away something for nothing. At this summit, I see traitor trump ending the Korean War for sanctions relief. He will call for an official end to the “Korean War” and the withdrawal of U.S. armed forces from South Korea. So, traitor trump will gladly take credit for weakening our South Korean ally and grant sanctions relief to North Korea in return. All the while, North Korea does nothing toward denuclearization because traitor trump is a G.D. idiot! Welcome to stupid America!
Christians and Atheism
According to Cliff Sims from an interview in the Christian Post, “‘The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.’” Hallelujah! One Christian moron gets it right, but naturally, the remedy from the far-right religious nut-jobs is to endorse the re-election of traitor trump. Look! All organized religion is fake, hypocritical, and meant for the minds of morons (the unthinking). American “Christianity” is the
A Blog Is Born
This blog was born yesterday.