Because God Told Me So

Who doesn’t like a daily dose of religion as retardation? From a CNN article, “But others express discomfort with Nelson’s ‘because God told me so’ use of authority and worry that it leaves little flexibility for younger Mormons struggling with deep questions about the religion.” The catchphrase “because God told me so” should be universally considered an indication that someone is crazy or a moron (that is the \ˈmôrˌän\ pronunciation, not to be confused with Mormon–necessarily) or both, but more often than not it is considered evidence–of all things–for people as to how to live their lives and generally how people around them should be affected by their “righteous” opinions of living. Needless to say, the more religious a society is then the more stupid it is, and this is stupid America, less religious than it used to be but still stupid!